A small exercise:
Contact your Congressional delegation, and ask them how much it 'costs' to get a choice committee assignment.
Both major parties employ this practice. Where a member of Congress must fund raise a certain amount of campaign money, to be 'considered' for a choice committee assignment or a committee chair.
Ask them. This has been going on for decades.
I'm serious, start dialing 202.224.3121.
As of 2024, thee are 100,000 working Lobbyists in America. Take a moment, let that sink in.
Current Congressional committee/sub-committee structure is about 200.
I propose cutting that structure by 55%.
The goal is to cut down on the number of staff, lobbyist influence and getting the federal government out of every aspect of our lives.
This is the very center of how The Establishment conducts daily business in DC.
I've been in those hallways, outside committee rooms and member's offices. I've personally witnessed the Lobbyists, Congressional staff, lawyers & power brokers make deals, selling out the Constitution and voter.
It really is different when you see it in person. It would change the very core of what you think the government is.
If every adult in America could see what I've seen. The two major parties would be done, gone. We would elect 535 new members of Congress every 6 years.
You think I'm joking or being Dramatic? Think again.
I know what I've seen.
The Committee/sub-committee structure must change, or we will never truly be a Free Limited Republic.
Some candidates go on national TV and make claims, but never offer a detailed plan for how to restructure committees and cut down on the establishment's power.
My recommendation below is a bare-bones 70 committee/sub-committee structure.
I will allow all the politicians, cry babies, Lawyers, Lobbyists, RNC and DNC to add another 20 to my proposal.
Lets be clear: this is Me, fighting against at least 500 other members of Congress, to make this happen.
I'll need 200 million Citizens contacting your own Congressional delegation, at least once a week.
I'm very serious.
The current committee/sub-committee structure, is how money and influence are directly peddled daily, in DC.
Congressional switchboard: 202.224.3121
You will be calling this number a lot, I suggest you add it to your cellphone right now.
Contact the House of representatives: : Find Your Representative | house.gov
Contact the U.S. Senate: U.S. Senate: Contacting U.S. Senators
2. A total communications blitz: Media interviews, FB, Twitter, etc. Rallies.
3. I'm thinking of launching a National Petition and submitting it to Congressional Leadership.
Section 01: The following legislative proposal is based on the enumerated powers granted to the U.S. Government under the U.S. Constitution. The Congressional Committee and sub-committee structure should reflect that, and not the current political industry of lobbyists, corporate interests, special interests and plain old political greed for power. My proposal still only solves part of the problems in Congress.
America still needs to elect better people. People who will not take lobbyist money and become servants to special interests.
That part is on you, the Voter.
RSJC 01:
Joint Economic, Tax Policy & Banking Committee
Domestic Economic policy
Foreign/international economic policy
Tax policy
Bank, S&L, Credit Union and Thrift policy
RSJC 02:
Joint Budget & Appropriations Committee
Budget Mark-up
Domestic spending
Defense/Intelligence spending
Foreign aid/spending
RSJC 03:
Joint Committee on the Armed Services, Homeland Security and Intelligence.
DOD general oversight
DHS oversight
NSA oversight
CIA oversight
NRO oversight
Energy Dept.
RSJC 04:
Joint Committee on Congressional operations.
Congressional Staff
Capitol Hill Police
Library of Congress Oversight
Member services and support
Visitors bureau
CBO & GAO oversight
RSHC 01:
House Committee on Foreign Affairs
North America
Central America
South America
Antarctica/Greenland/Iceland/New Zeeland/Australia
RSHC 02:
House Committee on Executive Branch oversight for Domestic policy.
Health, Welfare, Education
RSHC 03:
House Committee on Rules, Ethics, Oversight and Reform.
Oversight and Reform.
RSHC 04:
House committee on Judiciary policy and court oversight.
Court operations
Member services
RSSC 01:
Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs
North America
Central America
South America
Antarctica/Greenland/Iceland/New Zeeland/Australia
RSSC 02:
Senate Committee on Executive Branch oversight for Domestic policy.
Health, Welfare, Education
RSSC 03:
Senate Committee on Rules, Ethics, Oversight and Reform.
Oversight and Reform.
RSSC 04:
Senate Committee on Judiciary policy and court oversight..
Court operations
Member services and support
Item 01:
Every 10 years the U.S. Congress shall appoint a 6-month select committee, to review the Committee/Sub-committee structure.
Item 02:
The select committee will include 5 Representatives and 5 Senators.
they will have 6-months to make recommendations for further re-structuring of the committee/sub-committee structure.
Item 03:
The Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate shall appoint the committee members from their respective chamber.
Item 04:
The select committee shall decide on their own procedures, rules and guidelines.
Item 05:
The U.S. Congress shall have 90 days to accept, debate and vote on the committee recommendations.
Item 06:
The U.S. Congress shall have 90 days from the vote, to make committee/sub-committee changes.
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