If you truly want Freedom and to dramatically reduce Poverty; America must have a Single-Rate Tax system
I will NEVER back down from that Statement. It is an Economic Imperative.
There is a huge number of people that believe the 'wealthy' need to pay a much higher rate of taxes.
That group of people are ignorant, as to how revenue from taxes is generated. Usually this group of people is just angry, or they are not willing to admit they don't understand the tax code and economics.
So it is easier for them to latch onto media-dribble and proclaim it as their own gospel. Most people are scared to admit they don't understand complex and sophisticated parts of society. They don't want to admit that they haven't taken the time to educate themselves on such issues. It is easier as you get older, to just yell at someone, and repeat the media-dribble as truth. This doesn't make them bad people, it is very normal human behavior, for people to be embarrassed about their level of ignorance, and to try and hide it. We all do it, to one degree or another.
Anyways . . .
The current 80,000 page federal tax code is not about raising proper or even sufficient revenue. A flat tax system is what you need for that to happen.
Our tax code is an endless system of punishments and rewards, used by the two major parties for political control and revenge.
Everyone should hop online and get a copy of the 1986 Tax Reform Act.
You should be able to download a PDF version from the federal government or a think tank.
Interesting observation on the human condition here: Most people aspire to some level of wealth and comfort; yet most people have been conditioned to believe we need to punish the wealthy.
But this is not an economics class, it is a reality check on what our federal tax code must become.
Take a moment and absorb that because it is the daily reality and truth.
We must abolish the endless system of tax-loopholes, tax shelters for a small percentage of corporations and globally wealthy, who can afford to get specific tax-language place into federal laws.
That is a small number by percentage, and there is only one solution. You need a flat tax system.
Please read the very simple recommendations below and remember, anything beyond 5 pages means a lobbyist was involved.
I estimate that under the most ideal circumstances, the following proposal will take 3 years to build support.
The leftist media will be fighting me(and you) every step of the way.
Some basic economic statistics to keep in mind for this proposal:
Stat 01: 2018 total personal income, $18.6 Trillion.
Stat 02: 2020 GDP, $20.93 Trillion
Stat 03: 2020 quarterly corporate net income(profit), $2.1 Trillion
Stat 04: 2019 S&P 500 up 28.3%, corporate value up $13 Trillion(EST)
NOTE: 05/13/2021
Considering everything happening in DC; we will need Silver & Gold certificates issued, to help stabilize the U.S. Dollar.
This is no joke America. Our Dollar is in horrible shape.
1. Lets be clear: this is Me, fighting against at least 500 other members of Congress, to make this happen. I'll need 200 million Citizens contacting your own Congressional delegation, at least once a week.I'm very serious. The current committee/sub-committee structure, is how money and influence are directly peddled daily, in DC.
Congressional switchboard: 202.224.3121You will be calling this number a lot, I suggest you add it to your cellphone right now.
Contact the House of representatives: Find Your Representative | house.gov
Contact the U.S. Senate: U.S. Senate: Contacting U.S. Senators
2. A total communications blitz: Media interviews, FB, Twitter, etc. Rallies.
3. I'm thinking of launching a National Petition and submitting it to Congressional Leadership.
4. I'll round up economists and tax experts for sure. It may be more important to have these experts join me on a national speaking tour.
5. This still applies from the Poverty issue. It applies to all issues, if I win the office.
6. A flat-tax system, combined with some kind of new gold standard and the CH Act; may be the only legitimate plan for getting people out of poverty. It is more than just creating jobs, it is about creating opportunity for access to ownership.
All adult Americans need to take the time and educate themselves on these economic realities. Or else the main-stream media will keep selling their lies, that "rich people steal wealth from poor people."
No thinking person, with the slightest understanding of true economics, thinks this is true.
All individuals, Corporations, LLCs, Sole Proprietorships earning $39,000 a year or less, shall not file any federal income tax forms, and there shall be no federal income tax on their wages, salary and/or earnings.
Note: Almost anyone making $35K/under , whether part of a household income or living alone; are spending all their wages on basic living.
You automatically increase their purchasing & savings power.
Section 02:
All individuals which have the option with each employer throughout their working careers, to option out of the Social Security System,
Section 03:
For all individuals, Corporations, LLCs, Sole Proprietorships making $39,001 or more per year, the rate of of federal income tax shall be 15%.
This shall apply to income from all sources. This includes, but not limited to Wages, Corporate earnings, corporate sales, businesses, profit organizations dealing strictly in cash, stocks & Bond sales.
Section 04:
There shall be a 5% rate of federal tax, on gains of Capital investments of any kind and/or any source.
Note: For the most part, the money used for a capital investment, has already been taxed once.
Section 05:
I'm leaving this section open, because someone will want to make this language more complex.
This is my federal government revenue code proposal. Anything more is just pandering. Please note this proposal is one page long.