Bring China before the Hague for SARS-Covid 2, Along with a full independent commission to investigate every aspect of SARS-Covid 2, from 2012 to present.
Section 01:
Joint request from House and Senate, for State dept., Chinese Ambassador and U.N. Ambassador to start work on building support for a case.
Section 02:
Special Independent Commission to fully investigate SARS-Covid-2
I see this as an international commission, set up as follows:
Part 01:
Each affected country will be invited to join the commission, and each country will fund their delegation.
Part 02:
A delegation will consist of:
Two law enforcement officers, with investigative credentials.
Four research/support staff
One attorney with prosecuting credentials
One scientist, with infectious disease & virology credentials.
Part 03:
Each nation will pick a team spokes-person.
Part 04:
Member nations of this commission will decide on the management structure.