If you think FEMA has endless resources for endless emergencies; think again.
FEMA has limits.
Every city, township and village needs their own Community-Wide disaster plan, tailored to their own needs, resources and situations.
Every 90 days, I'm going to hold a district workshops at our local Moose Lodge, for all mayors/council members/city managers; for developing their community-wide disaster plans.
My Goal: By the end of my first term, I want every city in the 13th district to be at a disaster planning point of readiness, where they are running drills and staged scenarios.
Below is a basic outline to follow.
Please feel free to use this for your city and modify towards your own priorities, resources and situations.
If your city has no interest in putting a disaster plan together, then I strongly suggest YOU run for local office and make it happen.
Section 02:
A basic outline and steps to take:
Please note: This is modified per city, depending on resources, political culture and community involvment.
Each city should pick 3 to 5 scenarios to plan for, with the understanding that each scenario is broad enough for other applications.
Section 03:
A major part of this is taking your existing CERT team to another level. When does a mayor deputize CERT and other volunteers?
Again, this is about mustering enough resources for the task at hand.
Section 04:
This plan you are considering has nothing to do with police and Fire protocols. Those are items already in place.
This about everything else a city can do.
Disaster Plan: City/Township Outline
Set Time-Lines and goals:
At each quarterly meeting, I'm going to be a real task-master and keep every community moving forward.
Situation 01:
Grid down scenario, no power for up to 7 days.
Community resources to implement the following.
Situation 02:
Grid down scenario, no power for 8 days to 14 days.
Community resources to implement the following.
Situation 03:
Fire dept. and Police station compromised.
Suggest a back-up emergency command center. For the following reasons:
Situation 04:
Chemical spill or other HAZMAT incidents, affecting one area of the city. How do we evacuate a neighborhood, and where do we relocate them? Schools, Churches, City facilities.
Situation 05:
Active Shooter or Bomber, at a school or city facility. How do we set up a large parameter for containment, and what churches and other buildings near each possible site, can be used as staging areas.