Unless you are part of the Mental Health medical community, or have mental illness in your family, then this is a rare topic.
Below are policy recommendations, but as a member of Congress, I also want to work on a real national discussion.
I see this as the only way to focus on the 'whole person' solution and a larger role for therapy.
My family has had four members with mental illness, I have walked this road my entire life.
Perhaps I really am the Leader who can usher in a real conversation.
I hope all of you will be part of the discussion . . .
Section 01:
A thorough national discussion on mental illness. How to help the whole person, with therapy, not just drugs.
After an 18 month national discussion, a series of measures must come forth, so that the conversations bear serious policy.
I've found over the last 48 years of my family experiences, that lack of good communication is where most mental health system problems start.
That is communication between all levels and parties in this area.
I literally want to travel America as a Congressman, and directly, firmly and compassionately discuss the mental health issue.
I truly believe that addressing the “Whole person” in terms of mental illness, is not about more money and more programs.
It is more about using all the resources we currently have in a more positive-proactive format.
Part A:
The Social-emotional Stigma
It still exists. In my analysis it has not really changed. If you're a family or mental health worker, then you are involved already.
Over-all social awareness on how to address the stigma must come first.
Part B:
Government agencies need better training on communication, paperwork needs to be streamlined, and a recognition that the family is the core issue.
Part C:
Short-term Hospitalization, up to 23 days.
Most insurance and government payments cover a 21 day short-term treatment plan. You can get that extended to 23 days, if it is a Friday afternoon and you work the phones really hard.
The separation process needs to be discussed. In some facilities you have mentally ill, drug addicts and alcohol addiction in the same unit. This helps no one. It is a total waste of resources.
This is a major discussion point as it brings us back to the “whole person” reality of treatment.
Section 02:
Working with national, state, regional and local organizations, to streamline communication between government agencies and the mental health medical community.