I have a lot of views on foreign policy. I could write a book, and maybe I will some day.
In general I have a deep appreciation for the cultures and practiced religions of every nation.
I may have deep troubles with the political structures and leaders of some nations, but that is never a reflection on the people, living their daily lives in any nation.
About 75% of the world's nations have some level of socialist government systems. Many nations have leaders who are a scratch above street thugs.
Only a handful of nations have legal systems and institutions that even come close to America.
Which is horrifying, because ours crumbles more and more, daily.
Here are some brief thumb-nail impressions on what i think about some nations, their leadership, culture, etc., around the world.
There has to be a level of honesty between us, when it comes to their government and political system.
They have a Communist government and near 100% control over their population.
The communist government of China wants to dominate the world, and surely wants America to be nothing more than a consumption market for them.
Social engineering, media control, collecting information on their citizens, this all happens, as a course of daily life.
The Chinese people are NOT free.
They are controlled.
This doesn't stop corruption at the highest levels. there is plenty of corruption in the Communist party and the government.
To be honest, I don't see American style Freedom in China, for another 125 years. If ever.
As far as their Human rights record, it only improves with better leaders.
I have a real Love for the Russian people and their robust history. Their architecture, literature & zest for hearty song.
How sad and horrifying it has been, to watch them suffer the hammer pounding of Communism and Socialism.
Now suffering a rebirthed Czar-ist Putin reign.
Man, It makes me feel blessed all over again, to be an American.
I don't know how many 'pro-western' or 'pro-democratic' political resources there are in Russia, but I intend to work with all of them.
There are very dangerous social dis-orders going on there, and that nation needs leadership and Freedom.
And Putin? Once KGB, always KGB. He is a soul-less killer of a nation.
But, he is also a 4-dimensdional sophisticated public official. He may even be an intellectual.
Russia has to fight for true Freedom, and throw off the yoke of a neo-Czarist.
I don't place a lot of value on the U.N. as their track record is lousy.
China and Russia are permanent voting members of the security council. Need I say more?
In fact, can you name 10 accomplishments of the U.N. in the last 10 years?
Outside of fleecing the USA for more cash and soldiers.
So with those brief statements, here is my argument for the USA being a member:
1. Since it is in NYC, it does make it easier, for face to face communication, with many of the horrible governments around the world.
2. If we are a member, then it allows people like me, if elected to Congress, to actually reform it into a productive body.
3. The USA has many enemies, and I'd rather have them close, so they can see how serious and tough some of us in American politics, really are.
4. If we leave the U.N.; then China would be in charge.
Global Terrorism, China, Computer Hackers, Russia, Iran, International drug cartels, International arms dealers, etc.
Its about working with nations that have well trained armies, intelligence agencies and have stable governments.
The IMP is a failure.
Let me be very clear:
1. A poor nation needs to develop.
2. The IMF provides funds and loans.
3. The poor nation now has to pay back, with interest.
It is a little basic , but facts are facts.
Poor nations need to develop through free-market systems of good contract protection, stable governments and adherence to best practices in the private banking sector.
I would like to seer other G-20 nations start to play a majority role, in foreign aid.
America needs to stop foreign aid to every nation that seeks to do us harm.
I understand how complex foreign aid decisions are. I get it, trust me.
If another nation hates your ideology, your very existence on this planet, why send them money?
I know I know. Humanitarian aid is what we're really sending, right? You can sell yourself that fantasy, but not me.
Do you know how much food arrives in poor nations from us, rots on the docks, because the government there, doesn't send trucks.
About 10 years after derivatives were introduced as a financial vehicle, the currency war became hot.
1. China growth and then wholesale devaluing of their currency.
2. Layer upon layer of 'dark money' investing within the very odd world of derivatives.
I do not like this financial instrument at all. Speculations based on speculations, packaged together in huge internationakl investment strategies. It make me nervous.
3. Many Socialist nations trying to destroy the U.S. Dollar.
4. Crypto-currencies that have no intrinsic value.
5. Government spending out of control.
All elements of the third world war going on around you.
America is currently losing.
The Taliban are back in charge as of this writing.
1. Great Britain, Soviet Union and the U.S.A., have now failed, at whatever foreign policy they were trying to accomplish.
2. Late September 2001, I told a buddy that we need to go in, hit the Taliban until they give up Al-Qiada. Hit Al-Qaida until they're destroyed, then GET OUT.
3. "Nation Building" is actually just code for Government-Contractors-gone-wild.
4. The only ray of light I see for them, is that enough Afghans were educated over 20 years, that they may form the beginnings of an Intellectual class in their nation.
5. That class of thionkers, may be able to support/build the kind of institutions that keep America free. That is a long road.