My Policy towards Iran: Dardzinski for Congress
I believe every candidate for Congress, should have well developed views on foreign policy. They should also put it out there, regardless of party affilitation.
Item 1:
Iran has demanded for decades, to be treated like a global power. Interesting. If you want to be hailed as a global power, then you should take on the responsibilities and posture of being one.
Item 2:
Iran will never change their authoritarian government, until their intellectual class recognises Israel as a sovereign nation.
Iran has many sophisticated thinkers, but it does not translate into running for public office, and bringing about a representative government.
Item 3:
They're our enemy, and they should be treated as such, until they atain some legitimate changes is government and foreign policy. This will take decades. In the mean-time, economic sanctions must be used.
Item 4:
There are legitimate national security targets in Iran, and we need to eliminate every one of them. This is not a debate of feelings or emotions. This is about protecting our nation.
Item 5:
Every Iranian proxy in the middle-east, needs to be categorized as a national security threat, and eliminated.
Item 6:
Iran is currently a terrorist state. They should be treated as such, no overtures about aid and economics. No diplomatic relationships.
Focus everyone. If you want Leadership, you have to vote for it. 2024 may be the most 'critical' election of our time, but remember, 1790 was the most 'important.' Carefully research all the information for each candidate for each office. Then vote per office. Use Constitutional rationale, logic and common sense. Do not let your emotions, anger and personal feelings cloud your better judgement. If you want to help, just give me a call. 313.550.8922. URL: https://leadership1776.com/
Eliminate Federal taxes on Tips, now!
I'm glad to see the major party Presidential candidates agree, on eliminating federal taxes on tips.
I encourage all members of Congress to vote this into law, now! It shouldn't take more than a couple of days for simple language to be drawn up, go through committee and to the respective chamber floors. President Biden could be signing this before Labor day!
I encourage every American to call their three members of Congress, 202.224.3121, and tell them to do it, now!
Additional from my website:
A “Single-Rate” Tax system. It is not 'good enough' just to say we need change, and offer people a 7-word tagline. I believe in showing voters details, details, details.
I will be seeking our party's 2024 nomination for the 13th Congressional district. If you want to help, just give me a call. 313.550.8922. Please share my website.
URL: https://leadership1776.com/single-rate-tax-system
E-mail I sent yesterday to Thomas Linto, Thanedar's chief of staff:
Here is the very basics of the Economic Democracy Act, as put together by the independent think tank The Center for Economic and Social Justice. Below is my first general election Press release. I have sent this information to the Congressman, 4 previous times, over the last 2 years. The solution is to end poverty, so that there is very little need for people to be dependent on federal government programs.Everybody wins, everybody has more economic mobility. Surely we agree on this. I want to arrange a meeting between Thanedar, the staff, myself and the top people at the CESJ. Or, you may contact them yourself. I can help tou on this issue, work with me.
See the attachments,.
Original Press release:
Poverty. That is my front and center issue, this general election campaign. I will be contacting Rep. Thanedar's office everyday, extending my hand again, to work with me on proper economic issues, to impact poverty. We will see how many days his office will ignore my help.
For the record: Everything I will be offering Thanedar, is everything I send his office 2 years ago. Everybody knows that federal government programs have made poverty worse in America, over the last 57 years. These government programs are a complete failure, by every metric.
Focus everyone. If you want Leadership, you have to vote for it. 2024 may be the most 'critical' election of our time, but remember, 1790 was the most 'important.' Carefully research all the information for each candidate for each office. Then vote per office. Use Constitutional rationale, logic and common sense. Do not let your emotions, anger and personal feelings cloud your better judgement. If you want to help, just give me a call. 313.550.8922. URL: https://leadership1776.com/
PR2: Detroit Poverty at 31%, Dardzinski for Congress: Interview Request
I have secured the USTPM nomination for the 13th Congressional District, Michigan.
Detroit Poverty at 31%, National Poverty at 12.5%
Federal Government programs of the last 57 years have failed. Now we have multiple generations locked into a poverty cycle and dependent on the federal government. This is not economic mobility and that is not Freedom.
Please interview me.
We can greatly impact the economic component of poverty by doing the following things at the federal level:
Item 1: Have the GAO means-test every federal welfare program. Focusing on waste and fraud.
Item 2: Eliminate all federal tax-code loop-holes, cutting the tax-code by 44,000 pages. Eliminate 50% of IRS employees over a 3-year period.
Iyem 3: Implement the Economic Democracy Act, which can eventually replace Social Security and Medicare, while having private capital ownership for every child, woman and man. This would be an individual share-ownership second economic layer.
Item 4: GAO review of all commerce regulations, that drive up costs of good, food and services.
Those 4 points should make for a nice detailed interview.
Focus everyone. If you want Leadership, you have to vote for it. 2024 may be the most 'critical' election of our time, but remember, 1790 was the most 'important.' Carefully research all the information for each candidate for each office. Then vote per office. Use Constitutional rationale, logic and common sense. Do not let your emotions, anger and personal feelings cloud your better judgement. If you want to help, just give me a call. 313.550.8922. URL: https://leadership1776.com/
Just a reminder on the breaking news of a possible recession.
We are in a recession, we've been in one for three years.
When GDP is below 3%, you are not even creating enough replacement jobs.
I talk about this all the time, because I understand economics.
I've stayed consisent on America's current recession, now the MSM is catching up.
I hope people start reading my website:
Focus everyone. If you want Leadership, you have to vote for it. 2024 may be the most 'critical' election of our time, but remember, 1790 was the mosr 'important.' Carefully research all the information for each candidate for each office. Then vote per office. Use Constitutional rationale, logic and common sense. Do not let your emotions, anger and personal feelings cloud your better judgement. If you want to help, just give me a call. 313.550.8922. URL: https://leadership1776.com/
15 Aircraft Carriers anyone? Campaign Issue
As I type this, there are legions of political consultants across America and DC, working on one thing. “How do we drag our D or R across the 270 finish line?” By hook or by crook, it doesn't seem to matter.
For 9 years now, I've thought about the Navy's 11 Aircraft Carrier Strike Groups, and how we get that to 15 CSGs, with the new Gerald Ford Class ship.
We need four CSGs dedicated to the Indo-Pacific, so that the CCP knows we're serious.
As a candidate for Congress, I think about how I can help the Secretary of the Navy get that kind of support, manpower and the other 100 details. Yes, this is how you protect America.
We need 9000 more welders in the pipeline right now, to handle Navy contracts alone.
The Navy would need to increase their manpower by 50,000. 20,000 for the new 15 CSG footprint, 2500 more in the Navy SEAL community, so that we double our SEAL teams. Then another 20,000 to 25,000 Navy personnel, for the 24 new support ships. Part of this can be done by eliminating the huge administrative overhead through re-assignment.
This is just a thumbnail impression, on one of the many topics I think about, when it comes to being a Leader.
Go ahead, tell me that 3rd Party candidates aren't serious enough.
Focus everyone. If you want Leadership, you have to vote for it. 2024 may be the most 'critical' election of our time, but remember, 1790 was the mosr 'important.' Carefully research all the information for each candidate for each office. Then vote per office. Use Constitutional rationale, logic and common sense. Do not let your emotions, anger and personal feelings cloud your better judgement. If you want to help, just give me a call. 313.550.8922. URL: https://leadership1776.com/
Clinton, Trump, Biden, Harris: Campaign Discussion 6:
Lets review the FACTS of the 2016, 2020, and 2024 Presidential Candidate nominations.
Republican primary: Trump wins enough delegates to secure the Republiocan nomination. He followed all the rules set down by the RNC.
Democratic primary: Clinton wins, with inside help from the DNC, by denying Sanders super-delegates.
Republican primary: Trump wins enough delegates to secure the Republiocan nomination. He followed all the rules set down by the RNC.
Democratic Primary: Sanders is just about to run the table before the South Carolina primary. In a matter of days, Democratic candidates strategically drop out, Biden pulls out an SC win, the media demands that Sander drop out and unify the party.
Republican primary: Trump wins enough delegates to secure the Republiocan nomination. He followed all the rules set down by the RNC.
Democratic Primary: Biden wins all needed delegates. Biden drops out, endorses Harris. Harris gets Hollywood, Soros and donor-class support. DNC does ZOOM nomination. Harris becomes Presidential candidate, not winning/earning even one delegate.
You can hate Trump all you want. He entered the political arena, joined a political party, followed the RNC rules and won the Presidential nomination three times.
Focus everyone. If you want Leadership, you have to vote for it. 2024 may be the most 'critical' election of our time, but remember, 1790 was the mosr 'important.' Carefully research all the information for each candidate for each office. Then vote per office. Use Constitutional rationale, logic and common sense. Do not let your emotions, anger and personal feelings cloud your better judgement. If you want to help, just give me a call. 313.550.8922. URL: https://leadership1776.com/
Cut federal tax-code in half: Campaign Discussion 5
The current federal tax-code is 88,000 pages long.
Take a minute, let that sink in. I could use a cigarette myself, and I don't smoke. It really is hard to visualize it and comprehend why this is considered acceptable, in an open-market and free-enterprise market.
The first thing you must do, to cut the tax-code in half, is have Leaders in Congress, willing to start that detailed level of work.
The second thing, is people in general need to stop spreading the perception that the 'rich' aren't paying their 'fair share.'
This is the truth, the huge majoeity of the rich and corporations are paying every tax at every current rate.
Tax-code loop-holes are voted in to law, for a very small group of individuals and corporations, that have paid for lobbyists, to make sure it becomes law.
Tax loop-holes must be eliminated, but we must think about them properly.
Stop HATING the rich and corporations, they are not the enemy of working-class and middle-class workers. This is a fact, accept it.
Okay, that was the easy stuff. Now you need to do this:
Item 1: Find 300 members of the House and 70 Senators to back the proposal. That means electing a huge number of new leaders to Congress.
Item 2: You need to make sure the majority and minority general counsels, on the Financial Services Committee in the House, and the same counsels on the Senate Tax Committee, do not water down the proposal in committee. It needs to be voted out of committee as a 'clean bill,'
Item 3: You will need to fight back against 95% of the media, who will be scaring the public on a daily basis, about how 'dangerous' the proposal is.
Item 4: You will be fighting against the federal government union, that represents IRS employees.
Item 5: You will be fighting against hundreds of professional tax attornies and lobbyists, who will descend on Capitol Hill, like an eveil blanket of death. If you think that depiction of lobbyists and tax attornies is to dark, I can't help you.
Item 6: You will need to fight international law-firms, headquartered in the U.S., that represent governments.
Yes, that is the task at hand, if you want to elimiante 44,000 pages of loop-holes in the tax-code.
Focus everyone. If you want Leadership, you have to vote for it. 2024 may be the most 'critical' election of our time, but remember, 1790 was the mosr 'important.' Carefully research all the information for each candidate for each office. Then vote per office. Use Constitutional rationale, logic and common sense. Do not let your emotions, anger and personal feelings cloud your better judgement. If you want to help, just give me a call. 313.550.8922. URL: https://leadership1776.com/
Foreign/Military aid: Campaign Discussion 4:
For the record, I'm an economics guy, not specifically a finance guy. Which means I'm dismayed daily, by the lack of control on federal government spending and accountability.
I believe in supporting key foreign allies. I also believe those allies who can pay for specific military and foreign aid, equipment, infrastructure, etc., should pay.
It's not personal, as a Congressional candidate, I'm looking at what is proper federal spending.
For the record: I'm keenly aware that different nations have different military/defense posture needs. Some nations have many powerful enemies, some have very few. Some have oceans or mountains to protect their general landscape. Some nations are naked in the wind.
It is a very complicated and complex world.
Here are some very basic economic numbers on the general wealth/size of some nations:
USA population: 335 million
USA GDP: $26 Trillion
per capita domestic production: $77,611
Germany population: 83.8 million
Germany GDP: $4.082 Trillion
Per capita domestic production: $48,711
China population: 1.412 Billion
China GDP: $18.532 Trillion
per capita domestic production: $13,124
Note: There are still 500 million Chinese that live in very rural areas, and contribute very little to a 'first world' technology/industrial/financial economy. There is a huge gap between the general middle-class of China, and those stuck in a very 'third-world' life-style.
Japan population: 125.1 million
Japan GDP: $4.232 Trillion
per capita domestic production: $33,823
Taiwan population: 23.57 million
Taiwan GDP: $1.285 Trillion
per capita domestic production: $54,518
Israek population: 9.954 million
Israel GDP: $564 Billion
Per capita domestic production: $59,032
UAE population: 9.441 million
UAE GDP: $507.1 Billion
per capita domestic production: $53,712
Israel and Taiwan do not need any military aid packages, they should pay for everything. For Geo-political necessity, these are two key allies we do need. They're also wealthy nations who should be sending us checks for everything. Germany pays for their military.
I put the UAE in there, because they're almost exactly the same numbers as Israel, but their military posture barely needs to exist.
I could(and one day maybe I will) write an economic book on these countries.
America's federal government is at an insane level of debt and deffict spending. There are literally thousands of individual programs that all need means-testing, review and possible elimination.
Why we send money to the Gaza strip, which only turns it into weapons and tunnels for Hamas, is beyond any rational thinking.
I think about these problems at many levels, and I need 13th Congressional district voters to know I've done my homework on these things.
It's just one of many things that goes into being an effective legislator and Leader.
It is why I'm investing the time into these campaign discussions.
Focus everyone. If you want Leadership, you have to vote for it. 2024 may be the most 'critical' election of our time, but remember, 1790 was the most 'important.' Carefully research all the information for each candidate for each office. Then vote per office. Use Constitutional rationale, logic and common sense. Do not let your emotions, anger and personal feelings cloud your better judgement. If you want to help, just give me a call. 313.550.8922. URL: https://leadership1776.com/
Get Involved: Campaign Discussion 3:
I've approached this topic from so many angles, I feel like I'm back in drafting class, 37 years ago.
Shall we articulate the cliched declarations and responses people make? Yes, lets:
Cliche 1: I'm talking to someone, and I ask them to run for office, because they show honesty, decency and an understanding of how to solve a specific problem.
They say: I'm too busy.
I say: That is an excuse and the number one excuse I hear from everyone.
Lesson here: You know who is not too busy to run for office? Bad people. Dis-Honest, cruel people. People who want money, power, influence and control over your life. Those people have plenty of time to run for office.
Cliche 2: I can't make a difference, you can't make a difference. It's all controlled by a 'Good Ole Boys Club.'
I say: Every person who gets elected to public office, who works on honest issues, and remains true to public service, is making a difference. It is very hard, but you are changing things.
Lesson here: Run for public office.
You see, people want change. Most people have no clue what they really mean by change, and they don't know the individual steps needed to change important things. Yet, they will not try and learn, ask proper questions, research, etc.
If you have one or two good ideas, well thought out, on how to fix something in America; RUN FOR OFFICE.
Regardless what level, all governments in America need better Leadership.
Be the change you want to see. If you do not, bad people will continue to control all our governments, consolidate their power, get rich off of public service, and have influence over your daily life.
Get Involved!
Focus everyone. If you want Leadership, you have to vote for it. 2024 may be the most 'critical' election of our time, but remember, 1790 was the mosr 'important.' Carefully research all the information for each candidate for each office. Then vote per office. Use Constitutional rationale, logic and common sense. Do not let your emotions, anger and personal feelings cloud your better judgement. If you want to help, just give me a call. 313.550.8922. URL: https://leadership1776.com/
How to steal an election: Campaign Discussion 2:
I'm going on record with what I saw, during “the great Microsoft patch-error of July 18/19, 2024.”
I shared my analysis with one friend yesterday, now I'm sharing it with everyone. Do your own thinking, your own research and make your own determination.
I am 100% certain this was a 'BETA test,' for how the November 5th general election will be stolen by those currently controlling the White House and the deep state.
Now, people will read that opening section and absorb/internalize in many different ways. We all receive declarations like that according to our own level of understanding. How we understand politics, government, history and the human condition.
When you do not have good people in positions of power, you are left with bad people. People who are dis-honest, want money, power, influence, control over large systems and the general population.
What happened July 18/19 I don't even call a true conspiracy, just the Globalist's means-to-an-end.
Notice that there was a lot of inconvenience, but not a lot of damage. Just enough to gain global news and irritate IT departments around the world. My PC did the blue-screen update three times on Thursday. A pain in my rear, but my PC didn't die on me.
The 'Globalist Committee' running the White House has run the numbers. Every scenario of Biden or Harris or 'whoever,' at the top of the ticket loses to Trump by at least a small margin.
Sen. Vance alone, with his compelling life-story, may swing Michigan to Trump's column.
It is all about how the majority of voters will react emotionally to numbers, on election night. All of us, to one degree or another, have an emotional reaction to the electoral college totals.
By 11pm, in a straight forward election, If Trump has 320 electors or more, voters would call that a clean and decisive victory.
I admit to you with an open intellect, that would be my personal base-line.
I believe there will be algorithms downloaded into the proper computers, plus mail-in ballot tampering inside the USPS. I believe the Globalist Committee cannot allow for Trump's elector count to get too high by 11pm. They know how people are wired.
As a citizen, who has been a candidate for public office for 13 years, and who has lost races by three votes, I want fair and clean elections .
I don't care much for polls, as I do not agree with their 'question-methodology.'
To that end, Trump needs to poll way outside the margin of error, starting right now. The MSM will do their best, to scew poll reporting.
The July 18/19 BETA test, was perfectly timed. Right after a very successful RNC convention, where there was genuine unity. It also worked well as a 'Friday news dump.' The Software update problem will be a small after-thought by November 5th, and the Globalist Committee knows that. They also know that whatever computer problems happen before/during the election, will be chalked up to just another bad patch-update. Microsoft, Crowd Strike, etc., will take a stock hit and bad press. Nothing that will harm their bottom lines.
That is my thumb-nail impression of what I see, and what I know will happen.
I hope Trump wins the electoral college with 350/higher, something that even the Globalist Committee cannot control.
I'm also sending this out as a press release. I'll go on official record. I stand by my analysis and I know what I see.
The Globalist Committee has made their decision, however they structure the top of the DNC-ticket, they must also steal the election.
Focus everyone. If you want Leadership, you have to vote for it. 2024 may be the most 'critical' election of our time, but remember, 1790 was the mosr 'important.' Carefully research all the information for each candidate for each office. Then vote per office. Use Constitutional rationale, logic and common sense. Do not let your emotions, anger and personal feelings cloud your better judgement. If you want to help, just give me a call. 313.550.8922. URL: https://leadership1776.com/
Political Ignorance: Campaign Discussion 001
What follows will hurt some feelings. I can't help that. America and all Americans must accept brutal honesty, about where we are.
Most adults haven't read the Constitution since high school or year one of College. This includes public officials across America.
It takes decades of being a genuine 'life-long student' to understand the many layers of politics, government and systems. It does matter.
Would it be asking too much, for each adult to read the platform of one political party, per month? There are 45 main political parties in America, that would only take you 4 years.
How about reading the Constitution, once every two years?
How about this: Study the Congressional committee/sub-committee structure for 4 years. Researching one committee/sub-committee a week. Yes, do the math. There are currently 200 Congressional committees/sub-committees.
Google your county government website, start studying the structure and people in office.
Attend a city council meeting once a month. If you have kids, TAKE THEM.
Attend a school board meeting once every three months. You do not need to have kids, to care about your school system.
Those are the basic off the top of my head. I dare you to add 5 more things to study.
Politics and Government is actually very complex. Most people are to afraid to admit their own level of political ignorance. Everyone wants to walk around, projecting that they're smarter on the topic than they actually are.
I personally know people in their 50s, who have done next to zero political thinking in their adult life. They have no base-line repository of government knowledge to draw on. They just trade media headlines on Facebook, with people trading other headlines right back.
Think about it, let's break this cycle.
As a Congressional Candidate, I cannot properly serve you, if you will not help yourself.
Please, don't give me the worn out excuse that you're too busy. Dis-honest and bad public officials are not too busy, to control your life. Bad public officials are not too busy to destroy the Constitution.
I will also send this as an OP-ED to the media, who will ignore it and not grant me an interview. Heaven forbid the media cover a candidate besides a D or R. It's okay, the media knows what they are.
Focus everyone. If you want Leadership, you have to vote for it. 2024 may be the most 'critical' election of our time, but remember, 1790 was the most 'important.' Carefully research all the information for each candidate for each office. Then vote per office. Use Constitutional rationale, logic and common sense. Do not let your emotions, anger and personal feelings cloud your better judgement. If you want to help, just give me a call. 313.550.8922. URL: https://leadership1776.com/
Constitution Day Challenge
Tuesday: September 17, 2024
7pm(Eastern Time)
(Note: That is a suggested time. If you need to host your event at a different time, then do so)
It's very simple:
I want everyone to gather on their front lawns, hold up an American Flag, and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
After the Pledge say: “To ALL public officials across America. If you cannot support the Constitution, then 'We The People' will vote you out on November 5th.”
Invite your neighbors to join you. Make a video and spread it far and wide.
If you feel like doing this as a larger event on public property, obtain the proper permit from your city, township, county, etc. Follow all local guidelines.
We need to come together as Americans, show all public officials our Patriotism and our resolve.
From a fellow Patriot: Chris Dardzinski, Lincoln Park, MI.
Getting Think Tank Involvement: Restructuring the GAO
This is about 'Best Practices' of how a government system should run, to provide enumerated services and defense, within a limited Constitutional republic. This is about proper checks and balances and removing any office, agency or department, that is not needed. The more people govern themselves, the more Freedom we have.
Main Congressional switchboard: 202.224.3121. In case you decide to call your Congressional delegation, and DEMAND they work on this, immediately.
Then contact the following think tanks and ask them to push this policy”
Heritage Foundation: 202.546.4400
CATO Institute: 202.842.0200 or E-mail: pr@cato.org
Brookings Institute: 202.797.6000/770.6520 or E-mail: GSMedia@brookings.edu
American Enterprise Institute: 202.862.5800/828.7198 or
E-mail: luke.strange@aei.org
Hoover Institute: 650.723.1754 or E-mail:
Hudson Institute: 202.974.2400 or E-mail: govrelations@hudson.org
RAND: 703.413.1100 EXT: 5363 or E-mail: ocr@rand.org
There are many sections of the federal government which are over-staffed, dupliocating work of other offices/agnecies, and wasting huge amounts of tax payer dollars.
The Government Accountability Office(GAO), is charged with auditing the entire federal government, and making recommendations to Congress. The GAO has been around since 1923. Dare I say, they're not doing their job properly.
Also, they are the auditing arm of Congress and do not have any independent authority. The GAO has about 3000 employees.
Here is a brief list of recommendations, for making the GAO into what it must be, to accomplish their core-responsibility of making sure the government is efficient.
Item 1:
Make them an independent agency, with the same level of autotomy as the Post Office.
Item 2:
We will need another 2000 employees in the GAO. Enough staff to protect them from the political attacks from the rest of the government, and more staff to do real auditing of government accounting systems.
Item 3:
The GAO Comptroller of the U.S. Government is a 15-year appointed position. Shorten it to 3 years.
Item 4:
The GAO needs a 'purchasing officer strike force.' A highly skilled selected team, that does nothing but audit the performance and daily operations, of all purchasing officers who sign off on government contracts.
Item 5:
GAO audits and reports must be 100% transparent and all information given out weekly to the medias, citizens, members of Congress and the White House. There needs to be such a high level of spotlight placed on every aspect of government auditing, that nothing escapes the bright light of exposure.
The Comptroller General needs to hold weekly, Sunday evening press conferences, that last 3 hours, regarding everything the GAO did the previous week.
This to me, is the level of thinking ALL members of Congress need to have.
Start calling your Congressional delegation, this is a small thing that must happen asap.
America needs genuine Leadership, at all levels. I will be seeking our party's 2024 nomination for the 13th Congressional district. If you want to help, just give me a call. 313.550.8922. URL: https://leadership1776.com/
Part 1: Michigan 13th Congressional District. Political/Economic/Social discussion with Candidate: Chris Dardzinski.
I will do this step by step. You will know exactly where I stand, exactly what I will work on and exactly what I need, to restore our Freedom and protect the U.S. Constitution.
Number 1: I know where I live, Wayne county, Michigan. Which votes 70% general Liberal, Progressive, Leftist and Democrat. It has been that way for 112 years and counting. Please know, that I know this.
Number 2: If you live in the 13th Congressional district or know someone who does, please share this information. It is one of many steps to a better political conversation. We all say we want that, then we must all do the work to make it happen. Never be afriad to share information. I have already shared the information for my 4 opponents. I'll be sharing all 13th Congressional district candidates again and again. I did that in 2022.
Number 3: I understand America is currently a very hardcore 'two-party political system.' I reject 100%, that it 'must' stay that way. I reject 100%, that it is 'good' for America. I will reject it until the day I die.
Number 4: I want to see a truly 'inclusive' political system, where all parties and individuals work together, on the single most important thing: maintaining true freedom for each individual citizen, by supporting the U.S. Constitution.
Number 5: I send Press Releases every week, to local, regional and national media. I know they will ignore me, but I do it anyways. I do it so that there is a complete record of me sharing all my information, ideas, plans, etc., with the media. No candidate for Congress sends more press releases than myself.
Number 6: This is about my campaign for the 13th Congressional district of Michigan. You can vote for me, support me, volunteer for me, and it only is in regards to this one office. You can support other candidates from other parties, for other offices, and not worry about it. Be intellectually honest with yourself. You know this is true. You can do this in America, and the government cannot throw you in prison, like they do in other countries. All I ask, is your honesty on this topic and your willingness to expand your political thinking. I work every day, at expanding my political thinking and understanding. I call that 'political reality.'
Number 7: I know I may only get 2.5% of the vote. Please, do not think that I'm unaware of this. Let me be clear, I know every layer and every aspect of the task at hand. I understand the moneyy against me, I understand everyone wanting to tell me I'm wasting my time. I do this BECAUSE it is hard and it MUST be done. If it were easy, I'd be in Congress already, saving the Constitution for you.
Number 8: One of the things I've gotten my entire adult political life, is people saying to me “But Chris, you have to try and work within the two-party system. You have to join one of the two major parties, and try and change the establisment from within the system.”
I usually have to stop people at some point, because they think I'm dumb, stupid or ignorant.
I've been trying to work with both major parties my entire adult life. I contact them all the time, and BEG them to work with me on MANY issues, that span the whole spectrum. I am always dismissed or ignored by both parties.
Number 9: If we continue with two political parties controlling 99.9% of public offices, America will die. Freedom will die. Your grandchildren will have no Constitution to protect their individual rights. That is a realty. You can choose to accept that, or not. If that reality is too harsh for you, then please stop reading and turn on the TV.
Number 10: Sending one Constitution Party member to Congress, as a U.S. Representative, does make a differenc3e.
Well, that is enough for part 1. Read again, share it, discuss with your friends and family. Read every word of my website.
America needs genuine Leadership, at all levels. I will be seeking our party's 2024 nomination for the 13th Congressional district. If you want to help, just give me a call. 313.550.8922. URL: https://leadership1776.com/
Discussion 1:
I tried this two years ago when I ran for for Congress. I'm going to try it again, from a different political methodology.
Set aside for the course of this discussion, whatever your ideology may be. This is about 'Best Practices' of how a government system should run, to provide enumerated services and defense, within a limited Constitutional republic. This is about proper checks and balances and removing any office, agency or department, that is not needed. The more people govern themselves, the more Free we are.
That is not a 'conservative' point of view. That is rational logical thinking, applied to a government operation. I beg you to share this, talk about this, to think a higher level.
Main Congressional switchboard: 202.224.3121. In case you decide to call your Congressional delegation, and DEMAND they work on this, immediately.
There are many sections of the federal government which are over-staffed, duplicating work of other offices/agnecies, and wasting huge amounts of tax payer dollars.
The Government Accountability Office(GAO), is charged with auditing the entire federal government, and making recommendations to Congress. The GAO has been around since 1923. Dare I say, they're not doing their job properly.
Also, they are the auditing arm of Congress and do not have any independent authority. The GAO has about 3000 employees.
Here is a brief list of recommendations, for making the GAO into what it must be, to accomplish their core-responsibility of making sure the government is efficient.
Item 1:
Make them an independent agency, with the same level of autotomy as the Post Office.
Item 2:
We will need another 2000 employees in the GAO. Enough staff to protect them from the political attacks from the rest of the government, and more staff to do real auditing of government accounting systems.
Item 3:
The GAO Comptroller of the U.S. Government is a 15-year appointed position. Shorten it to 3 years.
Item 4:
The GAO needs a 'purchasing officer strike force.' A highly skilled selected team, that does nothing but audit the performance and daily operations, of all purchasing officers who sign off on government contracts.
Item 5:
GAO audits and reports must be 100% transparent and all information given out weekly to the medias, citizens, members of Congress and the White House. There needs to be such a high level of spotlight placed on every aspect of government auditing, that nothing escapes the bright light of exposure.
The Comptroller General needs to hold weekly, Sunday evening press conferences, that last 3 hours, regarding everything the GAO did the previous week.
This to me, is the level of thinking ALL members of Congress need to have.
Start calling your Congressional delegation, this is a small thing that must happen asap.
America needs genuine Leadership, at all levels. I will be seeking our party's 2024 nomination for the 13th Congressional district. If you want to help, just give me a call. 313.550.8922
November 20, 2022
OP-Ed: "The government you voted for"
DOJ investigating former Republican President, Donald Trump. House Republicans set to investigate Biden family business deals.
I'm glad my tax dollars are being used wisely and my public officials working on things to benefit America.
Ahh yes, the internal wars of the establishment. Which side can bloody the other more by November 2024.
This IS the government you voted for.
Yet! The American people are told that 'third parties' aren't serious enough or capable of governing.
It was literally two years ago, that I decided to join the Constitution party and think about runnng for Congress.
Now the election is over and America will continue to suffer political and economic stagnation.
Now that I have ran for Congress, let me share where I'm at.
I'm EXACTLY where I was before, America needs vast amounts of genuine Leadership.
The following five items are what Congress needs to do the next 23 months. These things must happen, not because they're my ideas, because These are fundamentals for saving a Free Republic.
1. Pass the Economic Democracy Act, as proposed by the Center for Economic & Social Justice, since 1984.
2. Scrap the 75,000 page 'establishment sustaining' monster, that is our federal tax code. Replace with a nice simple Single-Rate tax code, so working class/middle class Americans have a fighting chance.
We can then take 60% of IRS employees, and train them as border patrol agents.
Take another 10% of IRS employees and transfer them to the GAO,
3. Freeze government spending at current level for 3 years. There is at least $100 Billion waste in DOD and HHS, each. With the newly minted larger GAO, they should be able to help DOD & HHS 'find' that money.
4. DOD can now work on increasing their Gerald Ford CSGs from 11 to 15, over the next 10 years.
HHS can take $50 Billion of the money they found and start privatizing Medicare. The other $50 Billion in 'found' money will go to NASA.
5. Ah Yes, the sauce for the government's goose. The U.S. Congress currently has 200 committees/sub-committees.
This is where the 'daily work' of the establishment happens on Capitol Hill.
I've offered up a 70 Committee/sub-committee structure.
These five items should keep Congress busy. Real Leaders should be able to do this. real Leaders would do this.
I'm very worried about our Constitutional republic. Large solutions need to be done right now. It is a necessity.
January 24, 2023
OP-ED 01.24.23: Documents for all
I'm here to offer a very simple and painfully obvious solution, to the classified documents problem.
Well, half a solution. The other half has to do with voters.
If I were President right now, I'd appoint the following people to a procedures and processes review committee:
National Security Advisor
Director of National Intelligence
NSA Director
Director of the National Archives
Administrator of the General Services Administration
White House Counsel
White House Chief of Staff
Plus whatever junior members needed from each office or department.
90 day review on the processes and procedures for moving a President and VP out of the White House complex, OEOB and Naval Observatory.
It's about what engineers call, “Best Practices.”
Asking a series of questions and refining the current process and procedure.
Here are some basic questions to start with:
If we have 14 days to move the President and VP out, what is the minimum number of total staff we need?
If we have 10 days to move the President and VP out, what is the minimum number of total staff we need?
And so forth and so on.
Do we assign packing/moving staff per room?
Do we assign packing/moving staff per category?
How many White House staff members will be involved? Who will be their supervisor?
How many GSA staff are involved? Who will be their supervisor?
How many National Archives staff are involved? Who will be their supervisort?
What is the chain of command?
What is the chain of custody?
What is the procedure for classified documents found during packing? Who do they go to? Who is in charge of this procedure?
What is the chain of custody?
Are there National Archive and GSA staff assigned to each team, each room? Each team? Each building?
What is the chain of custody?
What is the process, time-line, for a 'second audit' of any materials taken to the President's and VP's residence(s)?
Should that audit be conducted once a year? Once every 2 years? Once every 37 years?
Within the teams of packing/moving staff, does anyone have a security clearance?
How often are the processes and procedures, for moving a President and VP reviewed? Once every 4 years? Once every 22 years?
These are just a few basic questions I would start with.
Now the other half of the solution involving voters.
Well now, that is much harder.
You see, we need to elect better leaders. Maybe some of those leaders should come from other parties, besides the Donkey and Elephant show.
May 16, 2023
Changing the dynamic of how the media covers elections.
Good morning
Intellectually, I'm always hopeful that voters will start doing deep research into how government really works, politics, history and looking at all candidates and make a true independent decision.
It just never works in reality.
Please read the following 14 points I post every week on my FB page:
I think one of the conversations we need to have as a nation, regarding voting, is this:
#1. 98% of people who vote will vote for the two major parties.
#2. The RNC & DNC that control their respective parties know this.
#3. Most people want some level of change within government, yet most people will vote for candidate within the major parties.
#4. The RNC & DNC know this.
#5. 40% of people who vote will always vote for Democrats. 40% will always vote Republican.
#6. The RNC & DNC know this.
#7. The majority(say 90%) of candidates that run in both parties, want to gain power and money. They know the best way to do this, is inside the two party system.
#8. The RNC & DNC know this, and always back those candidates, because they're loyalists. They can count on those candidates to support the party machine.
#9. Most voters will tell candidates like me, that I need to 'work within the 2-party system' if I want to get anything done.
#10. The RNC & DNC know this, and please reference #7 & 8.
#11. If a True Independent, Patriotic Constitutionalist gets into Congress, then that is one less member of the establishment, the needle will move and things will start to change.
#12. The RNC & DNC know this.
#13: 30% of eligible voters do not vote.
#14: The RNC & DNC love these people, because they don't have to spend money to sell candidates to them.
When you look deep inside your Political Intellect, you know this is true.
There are plenty of 3rd parties out there already, besides all the newer movements, like “No Labels.”
If you take the time to assign my website to one of your staff members, for review.
You will see that some of us 3rd-party candidates have far more than just 100% fidelity to the Constitution. In fact, I consider that a baseline, If you're a Patriotic candidate in a smaller party.
What comes next? Does any individual candidate have serious detailed policies, plans, ideas for how to structurally change 'the establishment' within America's governments.
Does a candidate have a true grasp of scale, specific offices, agencies and departments that need to be consolidate and/or eliminated.
Does a candidate understand how much time, work and partners will be needed,, to cut the federal government's power and authority by say, 40%?
This is where candidates like me are, in that realm.
You are part of an impactful media outlets in America.
Please take the time and initiative, to cover all political parties out there. There are 44 registered parties and 420 overall, at some level of organization.
Do your part, cover one per week, over the next 15 months.
You can be the one who brings true independent political discussion to a large voting demographic. Possibly reaching non-voters and getting them invlved.
Be the media-change that America truly needs.
I'm available at any time, to discuss any subject.
Chris Dardzinski: 2024 Candidate, District 13.
May 24, 2023
OP-ED: Baseline knowledge & changing federal office age requirements.
Quite possibly, I have spent too much time thinking about baseline knowledge and changing age requirements for federal public officials.
Let me give you a thumbnail impression of my thinking, the last 15 years.
I'm one of those very strange people, that likes too read a public official's life resume.
I find myself less than satisfied with the general knowledge level for most public officials in the federal government.
I'll remind everyone, this has nothing too do with party affiliation.
The world is endlessly complex and so is our federal government. It should be far less complicated, but reality remains a constant.
In a perfect world where I get everything I want, I would change the age requirements too: 40 for Representative, 45 for Senator and 50 or 55 for President and Vice President.
It takes time to gain 4-dimensional thinking & knowledge in economics, government operations, the humanities, geo-politics, history and international relations. Just too mention a few categories that make an adult ready too handle national and global decisions.
I also think it is critically important for any federal public official, to spend at least 20 – 30 years post high school or college, holding jobs, working and understanding big-systems. Maturing as a cognitive, logical and rational human being.
Consider this fact: there are 535 voting members of Congress, for a nation of 338,000,000. Let that sink in.
I want candidates for office that can give me a reasonable assessment of middle-eastern tensions. Candidates that understand the federal reserve system, global banking. Candidates that actually know Nigeria now has the world's largest oil refinery.
I want candidates who look at $12.5 Billion for the new Geralf Ford class aircraft carrier and say, “We need to shave $1 Billion off each carrier, and here are my 5 ideas on how we do that.”
I do believe it takes time to mature into a Leader at a national level. Understanding cultures, religions, society needs, technology and the human condition.
As you get older, the main things you accept as reality, are the fundamentals. Changing paragraph 7, of section 4a, of any CFR is not good policy.
Fundamentally restructuring the tax-code to a single-rate system, and knowing how to go about that. It's something that takes years too understand.
Proper governing is an intellectual persuit. It takes time.
I sometimes wonder how many members of Congress think about the Comptroller General of the GAO, and is their 15-year term too long.
Anyways, enough said.
OP-ED May 28, 2023
OP-ED: Public Debt, “Ceilings,” Political theater on parade.
It is Friday May 26, 11:28am.
I'm not sure why this “debt ceiling crisis” annoys me more than the others. The political theater component is the same.
There will be a deal in time, the ceiling will be pushed past the November 2024 elections, and the RNC/DNC political establishment keeps rolling forward.
Like nearly every other political/economic/social story in America, this debt ceiling “crisis” is a manufactured story, for drama purposes only.
The politicians, MSM, DNC, RNC all want you mad, angry and willing to donate dollars to one of the two major parties and candidates.
There wasn't even a “public debt ceiling” until Congress created one in 1939. I'll bet Alan Greenspan's bank account, that not one out of a hundred voters know that.
Article One, Section 8, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution is very specific on how this situation is supposed too be handled.
ANY member of Congress that doesn't understand this should resign. This may sound harsh, but we have to demand some standards here.
Listen too me please. As a society we must reject all these manufactured political dramas. Ignore them completely.
As a side note, evoking the 14th Amendment does not apply here and many Constitutional experts agree not too try it.
Let's use this as an opportunity to get beyond the political theater, in regards to public debt.
I encourage everyone to study that specific clause in the Constitution. It is one of the most critical powers granted to Congress.
Study the federal reserve, treasury notes, public debt offerings, Interest payments schedules, T-Bill sales, maturity dates of securities, etc.
The more educated voters are on this matter, then politicians can't use this as a division issue to create drama.
Logic, sound economics, good finances and rational thinking should rule the day. That kind of mature and informed mindset, will start too take away the influence of the small-minded media outlets.
OP-ED June 6, 2023
OP-ED: If I could organize Congressional workflow
Let's set aside the work members of Congress do in Committee. If you have reviewed my website, you know my recommendations on this topic.
If we're going to fundamentally restructure the federal government, shoehorn it back in the Constitution; then there absolutely must be 4-Dimensional thinking.
If I were to organize Congressional workflow, here is where I would start:
Item 01:
You can 'free up' a HUGE amount of Member and staff time, by drastically cutting back on how many meetings they take with lobbyists.
Item 02:
I would organize all 538 members into ten working groups, each group working on solutions, DETAILED plans/ideas and implementation schedules for restructuring.
Item 03:
Here is a beginning list of structural topics, assigned one per group.
Group 01:
Government contract deep review. Contracts up to $2 Billion. Looking at every aspect, figuring out the waste, fraud and in-efficiency of each contract.
This will take two years, maybe more.
Group 02:
Government contract deep review. Contracts $2 Billion - $5 Billion. Looking at every aspect, figuring out the waste, fraud and in-efficiency of each contract.
This will take two years, maybe more.
Group 03:
Government contract deep review. Contracts over $5 Billion. Looking at every aspect, figuring out the waste, fraud and in-efficiency of each contract.
This will take two years, maybe more.
Group 04:
Reviewing every purchasing officer. Yes, you read that right. I'll bet you Alan Greenspan's bank account, that no one in Congress has ever considered this.
Group 05:
DOD & VA, top-down review. Consider folding VA into DOD as an agency. Eliminating the top three layers of the VA. Implement best practices. Combine the computers systems, so that information on any soldier or civilian employee, is readily available from day one until the day they die.
Group 06:
HHS, Education, Agriculture. Top-Down review. Consolidate into one department, like it was back 60 years ago.
Group 07:
Review and simplify the ENTIRE federal government permit process. 5 years to bring a pipeline online? Come on.
Groups' 08 – 09:
Drum Roll Please!!!
Simplify EVERY federal government form. Can I get a witness!!!
Group 10:
The National Energy Grid, transmission, capacity, etc. Nuclear, Natural gas, oil. We need a serious policy and we needed it 20 years ago.
Look at that, I ran out of working groups and I still had so many things that need attention.
If a member of Congress is not capable of working at high sophisticated level, big-picture and big-systems; then they need to go.
If current Congressional leadership is unwilling or unable to organize members at this level, then we need new leaders.
Voters have to start demanding candidates and current members articulate ideas and policies at this level.
If they cannot, they need to go.
America, demand better.
I remain at your service.
OP-ED June 13, 2023
OP-ED 4: The Presidential Records Act, the “process” & Political Speech.
The first in a 5-part series on the PRA, the process and protected political speech.
I'll start with former President Trump and his situation.
President Trump, as I see the current evidence, may have some technical legal issues, that may violate sections in the PRA.
Mainly in regards to the care and quality of finding files quickly and with a routine process.
I'd caution everyone to re-read those above sentences and remember them for parts 4 & 5. “Spoiler & Foreshadowing Alert.”
Trump has become part of two very small groups, former presidents and former public officials that the establishment is afraid of.
Being hunted by the government-establishment is a serious matter. Most people don't have the fortitude to stand tall through it.
There are about 2700 – 2800 positions in the top levels of the federal government. 1200 of those are appointed/Senate confirmed. Trump knows who those people are, and he knows they need to go, if the establishment is too be downsized. I also think Trump has an immediate list of people who can walk into those positions, bring teams with them and start digging through the waste, fraud and corruption.
Jack Smith has made several critical errors, the biggest being a charge of violation the espionage act. With a jury that will weigh all evidence, this is where the case completely breaks down.
Just because MSNBC wants it to be true, Trump is not a Russian agent. It's a claim that borders on insanity.
It is also proof of the political and historical intentions of Jack Smith.
There are two very powerful addictions in this world, power and money. With power being the one that seduces the most. Smith is now becoming a historical figure. He will be the first lawyer to prosecute a former U.S. President. His name will be in history books, and this fact cannot be dismissed.
I think there was a specific point, where Smith left the law behind, and started thinking about his place in history. It is very seductive, and you must acknowledge this keep aspect. You may not agree, but being a lawyer and becoming a historical figure, is a huge evolution. It would seduce most lawyers, no matter how dedicated they are to the law.
Trump is truly a unique bull in a very small China shop. He has a relentless need for attention and could be labeled a narcissist.
Public office and the seduction of power, tends to draw people with big egos. Good and bad.
I have thoroughly reviewed the PRA's major aspects. I believe Trump is well aware of his personal, political, Constitutional, legal and “Presidential” rights/protections.
The FBI, DOJ and special counsel have gone way beyond established guidelines and legal precedent. Trump knows this.
Trump's personality is a singular experience for political America.
It serves him well more than not, when you look at the whole picture.
That is the crucible, removing emotions and looking at this with a rational intellect regarding legal precedent.
I do believe there is a slim “5%” chance that Trump goes to prison.
Mainly I stick with the obvious political reasons this is happening.
The RNC is fine to let the DNC, courts and MSM do their dirty work for them.
As long as Trump gets to the Republican convention with under 50% of the delegates. Then the RNC can broker multiple floor votes, until the nomination goes to someone 'other than Trump.'
I see that as the endgame. The establishment has to work every possible angle, too make sure he never becomes President again.
Thank you
June 17, 2023
OP-ED 5: The Presidential Records Act, the “process” & Political Speech.
The second in a 5-part series on the PRA, the process and protected political speech.
Let's discuss former Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Vice President Pence did a voluntary review of all the papers, files he took with him, after he left office.
He had classified documents. The DOJ did a review.
The DOJ stated they found no problems with VP Pence, and there would be no charges .
Hold on a minute. He violated the law. Vice Presidents have no authority to de-classify, no authority to take ANY classified government papers after leaving office.
I guess DOJ is telling America, that this was just a clerical over-sight by the staff who packed up Pence's office.
Right? I mean, that's what this boils down to with his situation.
Former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, is a separate universe.
She had to give approval for a private server to be set up in her home, using a non-secure e-mail.
That means government employees or contractor, doing the installation, also broke the law. No one ever talks about this.
She received, reviewed and stored tens of thousands of government e-mails at home.
Federal government property, information and files were destroyed; when she gave the order to have a hard-drive destroyed.
DOJ brings here in for a friendly chat.
DOJ concludes she never “intended” to break the law.
Secretary Clinton has broken many federal laws, and is compromised by the Russians and Chinese. That much we can document.
DOJ response: Move along, nothing to see here.
At the very least Pence's staff broke the law by packing, concealing and transporting classified documents. No legal proceedings, move along.
Sec. Clinton is untouchable, and the DOJ is protecting her crimes.
Are we not constantly told by the media, that these are the best and the brightest. All these establishment people, with their fabulous life resumes.
Why can't they stop packing up classified documents? They are marked.
I'm sorry this wasn't 'more sexy.' The facts are facts, and politics is politics. The two shall never meet.
Thank you
June 18, 2023
OP-ED 6: The Presidential Records Act, the “process” & Political Speech.
The third in a 5-part series on the PRA, the process and protected political speech.
Let's discuss President Biden's situation.
14 years.
That is the minimum amount of time President Biden had classified documents in his possession. As a Senator, Vice President and private citizen.
The part I find most compelling, was the documents found at the Penn-Biden think tank, inside his personal office. The lawyer hired to go through that office and clean it out did not have security clearance.
That tells me the Biden family or staff that hired the firm, didn't know there would be classified documents.
Too that lawyer's credit, he called and said they needed a another lawyer with a security clearance, to handle those documents.
The lawyer's first calls should've gone to the U.S. Marshals Service, FBI and the National Archives.
He should've told the Marshals and FBI to send someone to guard that office door, until the proper people could arrive.
That didn't happen.
I will not explain why, either you understand, or you don't.
This is a true testament to the randomness of a chaotic world, that blind dumb luck; kept classified documents from being taken over a 14=year period.
Why did a then Senator Biden, think it necessary to keep classified documents in his possession?
Why did a then Vice President Biden, think it necessary to keep classified documents in his possession?
Why did a then private citizen Biden, think it necessary to keep classified documents in his possession?
14 years minimum. Does this bother you?
I've followed Biden for decades, 40 years plus.
I don't find him particularly smart, intellectual or to have nuanced views on any topic.
I'm astonished, considering the institutional value we place on lawyers, that he practiced law.
None of this takes away from a person's ability or skills at being cunning and/or devious.
At any time during the minimum 14-year period, did any staffer, advisor or assistant say “Sir, these documents cannot be taken by you.”
I give you my personal political guarantee, the DOJ will find a way to mitigate the damage here. I've thought about every aspect this for months now, the DOJ may not be able to make it all go away.
The 14-year period is just mesmerizing to me. Surely there is a mid-level staffer from years gone by, that DOJ can hang on a meat hook.
14 years minimum Biden has broken the law.
If DOJ makes all of this go away, then we might as well start spelling America with a “K.”
June 28, 2023
OP-ED 8: The Presidential Records Act, the “process” & Political Speech.
The last in a 5-part series on the PRA, the process and protected political speech.
A deep analysis on the Presidential Records Act. The Process and Procedures for packing, transporting and maintaining Presidential papers and records.
The 1978 PRA changed the definition of Presidential Papers from 'private' to 'public.' Here is the key, the National Archives became the government agency responsible for collecting, filing and maintaining Presidential Papers.
So that means from 1979 to January 1981, the National Archives was LEGALLY responsible for putting together a process and procedures, for handling, filing and maintaining Presidential papers.
I have now placed my second call to the National Archives, asking for a copy of the process and procedures, for how they handle Presidential papers.
Surely after 40 years, a refined cohesive process and procedure is in place.
Some very basic questions:
Who is the one person at the National Archives, that has it in their JOB DESCRIPTION, that every 4 years, they are in charge of Presidential papers?
Is there a dedicated group of NA staff that are mobilized every 4 years?
Does this 'Presidential papers guru and staff' have dedicated lines of communication to GSA and West Wing staff?
Who is the person at GSA, that co-ordinates with NA?
Who is the person in the West Wing, that is given the task to co-ordinate with NA and GSA?
At what point after the November election, does the NA Presidential papers guru contacts the GSA and West Wing, and put together the first planning meeting?
Who is the person in charge, onsite at the White House complex and OEOB, once packing, handling of presidential papers begins?
Does the NA and GSA have a person, who is constantly onsite with the Q7 person?
How are packing teams assembled between NA, GSA and West Wing staff?
How many NA people are onsite, that have security clearance, Top Secret and above, to review boxes as they are being packed?????????
What is the National Archive vetting process and procedure for Presidential papers?
What is the NA vetting process for NA, GSA and West Wing staff that will be doing the work?
Is the packing process broken down by category, location or a hybrid?
How many State dept, CIA, NSA, DIA, DNI, DOD assets are on hand to vet documents, after they have been vetted by the National Archives group?
Who is the person keeping a master list of each box and what is in each box?
Does the NA give a copy of that master list to the out-going President?
What is the level of security, when boxes are loaded onto trucks and taken to the National Archives?
Who is in charge at NA destination?
Who is the person that documents each box being unloaded? Does this person marry up their master list, with the person who was in charge at the White House complex and OEOB?
Does NA give a copy of that master list to DOD, State, CIA, DNI, ONI, NSA, DIA and the in-coming administration?
Is each 'packing team' supervisor given a tablet to document their packing? Do they use worksheets on a clip board?
Are the tablets using encryption?
What is the process and procedure in place, for how often the National Archives contacts former Presidents and VPs, to see if they can check for any missing classified document?
How often does the National Archives review and refine their process and procedures, for packing, handling and maintaining Presidential Papers?
We the People, have been hammered for 2 ½ years, as to the sensitivity of Presidential Papers. Surely the National Archives, after 40 years, has a procedure in place equivalent to the sensitive nature of the task.
Q22 is a glaring problem, If you recall, after Biden was found to have classified documents. The NA asked all former VPs and Presidents to check their records and files.
HOLD ON!!! You are the National Archives, responsible for handling, protecting and maintaining Presidential papers. It is YOUR legal responsibility to have a procedure in place.
There will be a bonus OP-ED #6, if the National Archives ever retuirns my call.
July 6, 2023
OP-ED 9: What do voters really want? Do they know?
On July 4, 2024, we will know the two major candidates going into the RNC & DNC conventions.
If everything goes according to what the establishment wants, Trump will have less than 50% of the delegates. Biden may still be the DNC choice, but do not rule out them finding a replacement, like Governor Newsom.
So! Come July 4, 2024, is this what you want America?
Yet another Presidential race where there are only three goals:
Can we take a deep breath and dig deeper? Can we actually care about the direction of the deep-state and how America can return to a limited republic?
Many polls of voters, say they want a third-party candidate, they want something different.
I find this comical, since I'm a member of the Constitution party, and we have been offering up candidates for 50 years.
Then comes the cliched one-liners. Lets review them:
I've heard these very words or variations thereof, for 47 years.
I think it is laziness, on the part of most eligible voters. Let me list my observations of the last 47 years:
#1. 98% of people who vote will vote for the two major parties.
#2. The RNC & DNC that control their respective parties know this.
#3. Most people want some level of change within government, yet most people will vote for candidate within the major parties.
#4. The RNC & DNC know this.
#5. 40% of people who vote will always vote for Democrats. 40% will always vote Republican.
#6. The RNC & DNC know this.
#7. The majority(say 90%) of candidates that run in both parties, want to gain power and money. They know the best way to do this, is inside the two party system.
#8. The RNC & DNC know this, and always back those candidates, because they're loyalists. They can count on those candidates to support the party machine.
#9. Most voters will tell candidates like me, that I need to 'work within the 2-party system' if I want to get anything done.
#10. The RNC & DNC know this, and please reference #7 & 8.
#11. If a True Independent, Patriotic Constitutionalist gets into Congress, then that is one less member of the establishment, the needle will move and things will start to change.
#12. The RNC & DNC know this.
#13: 30% of eligible voters do not vote.
#14: The RNC & DNC love these people, because they don't have to spend money to sell candidates to them.
#15: There are at least 75 million adults in their 40s & 50s without knowing how government works. They have spent the last 20 – 30 years paying as little attention to how the world works, as possible. Most of these 75 million would never admit this, not even to themselves. So they go the rest of their lives, without understanding politics, government, economics, foreign affairs or even the Humanities.
#16: Most adults think they are smarter about the world, then they actually are.
When you look deep inside your Political Intellect, you know this is true.
Your vote belongs to you. It does NOT belong to a party, any party.
If your candidate does not win, then you need to work harder for that candidate next time.
When is the last time you read every idea, plan, outline and all the stuff candidates put on their websites?
I've grown tired of most eligible voters. You have this computer in your hand, that will give you all the information on any candidate you want.
Forget the media, forget EVERY political campaign commercial. Forget the analysts, experts and political scientists telling you ehst to think and how to vote..
Educate yourself on the politics, candidates, government operations and economics.
When it comes to voting, be an informed leader in your community.
Be the change America is looking for.
Don't be a lazy mindless statistic.
July 10, 2023
OP-ED 010: Questions, Questions and more Questions.
I was thinking how dandy it might be, to go in a different direction.
Below is a series of questions, that I believe the government should be asked by all Americans:
Can you explain what percentage of annual inflation, the $475 Billion debt service interest payment is, for budget year 2024?
Why is there no annual audit of the Department of Defense?
Why is the Government Accountability Office allowed to get away with Q2?
Why is the nuclear weapons budget in the Dept. of Energy?
Why do we need 5,000 employees in the Dept. of Educaion?
Are federal government student loans Constitutional? Its a good question, because they're not offered to everyone.
Who specifically, decides how much foreign aid will go to which nations?
How many purchasing officers are there in the federal government?
How many steps are there, for a non-military government contract?
How many steps are there, for a military government contract?
Why are members of Congress allowed to get away, with operating under continuing resolution, for the budget process of the federal government?
Just a few basic things we should address.
July 29, 2023
OP-ED 11: Guidelines & responsibilities of NARA & the PRA
Part 6 that I promised you. There may be parts 7 and 8, depending on how nuanced I want to be, with National Archives responsibilities, as detailed in the PRA.
Every adult, especially political science teachers/professors, should read the PRA.
President Trump is now facing federal charges, the first President in American history.
I have read and reviewed, paragraph by paragraph, the entire Presidential Records Act.
The National Archives and Records Administration(NARA), is legally responsible for planning, moving, storing, categorizing all Presidential records, gifts and personal papers, that may be donated to their Presidential library.
As you read through the PRA, you quickly see that 95% of it deals with management of records. It also covers communication between the White House complex and NARA.
NARA also gives guidance from day one of any administration, to the White House counsel's office, on how they should train WH staff, on record keeping. There is also an office in the Executive Office of the President, that specifically handles maintaining Presidential records.
It's a fine, fluid and 'grey area' balance of the following:
Item 1:
The sitting President is the only person with authority to declassify federal government documents.
Item 2:
Every minute the President is in office, they are engaging in political speech, protected by the first amendment.
Item 3:
The President can declassify documents right up until the final minute of their term in office, on January 20th.
Item 4:
NARA staff, WH staff and GSA staff are human beings, they make mistakes.
Boxes get mislabeled, classified documents get mixed in with boxes going to a President's home, office or off-site NARA approved storage facility.
The NARA supervising the packing and moving miss things too.
These un-intentional things happen. I acknowledge that.
Item 5:
NARA must show every courtesy, no matter how long the timeframe, when a former President has documents that must be returned to NARA custody. At the end of the day, they are a former President and political motives or media narrative cannot sway that courtesy.
Item 6:
At the end of the day, there has to be NARA accountability and ownership. Personal, professional and legal.
When NARA first noticed that they made mistakes in packing up Trump's Presidential records; the investigation should have started.
That first investigation should have been a NARA internal process and procedure. That would've allowed them a proper opportunity, to correct their mistakes, quietly; without national media attention.
The same should've happened in the Pence and Biden situations.
Who were the NARA staff, WH staff and GSA staff that packed the boxes in question?
Who were the supervising personnel for that staff?
What chain of custody worksheets and records needed to be reviewed?
The NARA and/or GSA staff transporting the boxes to Trump's private residence. What were their instructions, knowledge of boxes and review process?
I don't believe any NARA, WH or GSA employee(s) intended to commit a felony.
After 40 years of planning, packing up and moving out-going Presidents, it seems NARA still needs to refine their process.
President Trump is under federal charges and will go through a federal trial, because someone at NARA did not do their job. That is a fact.
The PRA is clear and facts are facts. NARA retains legal custody of Presidential records and is legally responsible for planning , moving and storing those records.
One very specific point: When the NARA employee who packed Trump's passport in with Presidential documents, did they notice?
Where was the NARA supervisor? Where was the person assigned to checking each box? Where was the NARA employee, with the proper security clearance, too make sure no classified documents went to the private residence?
On Trump's end, he could've handled communication with NARA in a less combative manner.
If NARA had done their job properly, Trump wouldn't need to be in the position of having to defend his political speech and his personal property affected. This is a very important point and I'm making sure I acknowledge it.
The law is the law. If NARA is not held accountable, then the PRA, like so many other federal laws, means nothing.
We are either a nation of laws, or we are a nation of political gangs beating up on each other.
August 1, 2023
OP-ED 12: Lack of Leadership, UAPs, Deep State, Government mainstream.
Part 1 of a 3 part series:
I watched the House sub-committee on UAPs a few days ago. UFOs, to everyone over the age of 40.
I understand there is near universal bipartisan support, for this sub-committee's work.
I didn't see even one Democrat or Republican mention anything about Trump, Biden, Hunter, Racism, White Nationalism, Slavery, Woke-ism or anything else. Literally every question asked, and all testimony given, was about the UAP subject matter.
You could even say the committee hearings were productive, informative and educational. A rare moment in the daily happenings of Capitol Hill.
The three witnesses were professional, well-spoken and very compelling with their facts and evidence.
This brings me to the fact that many things inside the federal government, are true at the same time:
Truth 1:
Even the most emotional, immature, radical and least informed member of Congress; can behave and do their job in a committee hearing.
Truth 2:
There are many layers, groups, groups within groups, sections and funding programs that make up the deep state.
Truth 3:
The government employees at the very top of truth 2, are quite literally, accountable to no one.
Truth 4:
A large percentage of federal employees go to work every day, do their jobs to best of their abilities, and go home. They're just regular people, like everyone reading this.
Truth 5:
A large percentage of federal employees go to work every day, do the least amount of work possible, knowing they're protected by powerful government unions and civil service laws. They're pulling down a paycheck and just kicking back for 30 years.
Truth 6:
There are very serious federal employees who are accountants, scientists, military experts, economists, lawyers, engineers and political experts; who genuinely work for the common good. They respect the Constitution and want the nation to be free, strong and economically vibrant.
Truth 7:
There are political hacks, who want power. Money and ruthless control over the nation and your life.
Truth 8:
There is a certain percentage of federal employees, who are not smart and not capable. They just float through a government career, protected by unions and civil service laws.
Truth 9:
It's hard to believe, but there are 40 or maybe 50, public officials in DC, that are Patriots. They are doing their best, against all odds. I know you want to believe truth 9 is a much higher number, in the upper 400s. It is not and you must take intellectual ownership of that.
All of these things are true and happening at the same time. It is the daily soup that makes up the federal government.
Back to the UAP hearings and how it fits into all of this.
I do believe that NSA, DOD and CIA general counsels laid down the law, with the sub-committee majority and minority counsels. I know that is deep DC 'inside baseball' stuff, but that is the way DC works.
Someday I may write a book, focused on government general counsels and committee counsels. These people have vast amounts of power and influence. They control legislative language, information that comes before a committee. Questions asked my members, etc.
Many times during the hearing, members said they were denied certain information by a specific DOD or Intelligence office.
This is extraordinary, since we have civilian oversight and administration of our military and intelligence community.
When it comes to UAPs, there is nothing so sensitive, that members of Congress should not see. Contrary to the movies, UAPs are not the most highly classified items in the federal government.
This is a prime example of someone in an office somewhere, who simply has enough authority, political clout, political cover or influence; to deny Congress information.
Let that siunk in.
August 7, 2023
OP-ED 14a: Vice-President Constitutional powers & other NIFTY things.
I'm NOT writing this to “push back” on the old political/media narrative, that the Vice-Presidential role in certifying slates of Presidential electors, is “ceremonial.”
I'm writing this to set the record straight, regarding direct Constitutional powers & responsibilities, in the Constitution for the Vice-President.
What follows is NOT my opinion, it is the text of the Constitution.
We all agree, that when public officials take their oath of office, to protect and preserve the U.S. Constitution. This means each item in the Constitution must be followed. This means that there are enumerated powers specific to each branch of government. This means there are specific limitations on how far the federal government can intrude into an individual citizen's life and liberties. This means there are specific protections and penalties the federal government must follow. Right?
I'm just one American with one vote, and I will continue to articulate the specifics below, regarding the Constitution and election process:
Item 1:
From Article 1, section 4; State Legislatures, under the U.S. Constitution, are responsible for passing laws as to how elections will be conducted in their respective states.
Item 2:
The Secretary of State conducts elections, according to current state election laws and certifies elections within their state.
Item 3:
In the case of the Presidential race, a slate of Presidential electors is certified, the state seal affixed and sent to the Secretary of the U.S. Senate.
Note: It is legal for an alternate slate of electors to be created. It happens all the time. It is actually prudent, in case the first slate is found to be invalid and/or needs to be thrown out.
Item 4:
The Vice-President, in the official Constitutional role as President of the Senate, and presiding officer to oversee certifying slates of Presidential elections. It is not merely ceremonial.
It is a specific duty and responsibility in the U.S. Constitution.
This means the President of the Senate must follow and defer to all standing Senate rules and guidelines for debate, discussion and the business of the Senate.
Item 5:
The Office of the Parliamentarian of the U.S. Senate, was created in 1935. The parliamentarian advises the presiding officer, senators and their staffs, committee staffs, and representatives and their staffs on all matters requiring interpretation of the Standing Rules of the Senate, the precedents of the Senate, unanimous consent agreements, and provisions of public law affecting the United States.
Item 6:
After carefully reviewing the text of the Constitution, that any Vice-President, serving as presiding officer, to oversee certifying slates of Presidential electors, has the following responsibilities:
I6a: To follow, use and defer to all standing Senae rule and guidelines.
I6b: To allow for and encourage debate on each slate of Presidential electors, including the validity of the slate of Presidential electors and state seal.
I6c: To allow and encourage debate that each state held elections according to the current elections laws of their respective states. To further validate each slate of Presidential electors.
I6d: To consult with the Senate Parliamentarian, on each of the above, to make sure all Senate rules are followed for debate, validation and voting.
Again I submit to you. Certifying slates of Presidential electors, is one of three specific duties, listed in the Constitution, for the Vice-President.
This is the most important duty the Vice-President has. It is not ceremonial.
I'm merely articulating specific s of the U.S. Constitution, that all public officials have sworn to protect and preserve.