Please share this website with everyone you know in district 13.
Cities in the District
Detroit, eastern half
Allen Park
Lincoln Park
River Rouge
Grosse Pointe City
Grosse Pointe Farms
Grosse Pointe Park
Grosse Pointe Shores
Grosse Pointe Woods
Dearborn Height- partial
Highland Park
Harper Woods
Please read every page on this site.
I've given you what voters say they want: plans, details and information. Precise and specific things that must be done, to stop the establishment's control over your everyday life. It gets no more serious than this.
8 issues: To remove government control over your individual Freedom and economic opportunities.
1. Poverty. Implementing the Economic Democracy Act. A Practical Big solution for a Huge problem.
2. Stream-line the Committee/Sub-Committee structure in Congress.
3. Single-Rate tax system.
4. Mental Illness. I will lead a national discussion to focus on the Whole Person. Better communication, proper therapy and less drugs.
5. China/Covid-19. Bring China before The Hague for the CRIMINAL death of MILLIONS.
6. Space Program. 40 year NASA project to have O'Neil Cylinders.
7. Department Consolidation and down-sizing until the government becomes relatively "efficient."
8. Community-Wide Disaster plans for every city in District 13.
You want different people in government.
You need to vote for them.
Here is your opportunity:
This is what Voters say they want, detailed ideas and honesty.
General video: (1) Chris Dardzinski: Campaign Discussion - YouTube
Campaign Video 2: Dardzinski for Congress, 13th Congressional District, MI. Video 2 (
Campaign Video 3: Dardzinski for Congress, 13th Congressional District, MI. Video 3 (
Campaign Video 4: (5) Dardzinski for Congress, 13th Congressional District, MI. video 4 - YouTube
Campaign Video 5: Dardzinski for Congress, 13th Congressional District, MI. Video 5 (
Campaign Video 6: (6) We The People - YouTube
Campaign Video 7: Dardzinski for Congress, 13th Congressional District, MI. video 7 (
Campaign Video 8: Poverty: Dardzinski for Congress, 13th Congressional District, MI. video 8 (
Campaign Video 9: Social Security: Social Security: Dardzinski for Congress, 13th Congressional District, MI. (
Campaign Video 10: No federal taxes on Tips: Dardzinski for Congress, 13th Congressional District, MI. (
Campaign Video 11: Price Controls: Dardzinski for Congress, 13th Congressional District, MI. video 11 (
Campaign Video 12: Project 2025: Dardzinski for Congress, 13th Congressional District, MI. (
Campaign Video 13: Job Number reporting: Dardzinski for Congress, 13th Congressional District, MI. video 13 (
Sign the petition and then make the call . . . Main Congressional switchboard: 202.224.3121. In case you decide to call your Congressional delegation, and DEMAND they work on this, immediately. Online iPetition: Restructure GAO:
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I will not rest until we have 100% Voter participation.
For the record:
I lost a city council race by three votes. If I would've had one more sign or 6 more door fliers, I would've won.
Don't tell me voting doesn't matter. It does and I've lived it.
If you have concerns regarding voting, then I strongly recommend you volunteer to be a poll worker. City Clerks always need more trust-worthy people on election day.
If that is not to your liking, then volunteer as a poll watcher.
If you do not trust the city clerk in your community, then run for city clerk.
If you do not trust the county clerk, then run for that office.
If you do not trust your Secretary of State, then run for that office.
If you do not trust the election laws in your state, then run for a seat in your state legislature, and spend the next 2 years changing the election laws that you think are bad.
When it comes to quality, fair and secure elections, we all share that responsibility. Wouldn't you agree?
Whatever you do, don't just sit back and complain that elections are all rigged.
Do something about it.
The Constitution - Full Text | The National Constitution Center
Let's be honest: Most people have not read the U.S. Constitution since their HS Civics class, or College Poli-Sci 101.
I've spent my entire life studying this document.
The U.S. Constitution does three things:
1. Sets up the structure and general guidelines of the Federal Government.
2. Specifies precise enumerated powers, given to the federal government and what is the responsibilities of the States and the people.
3. Specifies protections of inalienable rights, granted to individual citizens from God.
A member of Congress cannot vote YES on any legislation, that goes beyond or outside the Limitations of the Constitution.
This is NOT my opinion or analysis; this is an empirical FACT.
Hillsdale College Lectures:
The Constitution 101: Lecture 1, Hillsdale College: Constitution 101 | Lecture 1 (
The Constitution 101: Lecture 2, Hillsdale College: Constitution 101 | Lecture 2 (
The Constitution 101: Lecture 3, Hillsdale College: Constitution 101, Lecture 3 (
The Constitution 101: Lecture 4, Hillsdale College: Constitution 101, Lecture 4 - YouTube
Additional relevant videos:
The Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins: A Eustace Mullins' Presentation -- Secrets of the Federal Reserve (
I'll work with anyone in DC, who will work with me on fundamental, Constitutional & Structural issues. In turn, I will work with anyone in DC, as long as their issues serve the citizens and protects the Constitution.
America doesn't need 538 members of Congress, that have the right kind of resume.
America needs 538 Leaders, who will simply do the hard work.
I would encourage all of America, to elect hundreds of new members in 2024.
America NEEDS hundreds of thousands of NEW people elected to public office.
If we don't, then the same "Good Ole Boys Clubs" will continue at all levels.
If you consider yourself a Patriot and you have detailed ideas and understanding of government; then run for office.
Don't give me the excuse that "I'm to busy."
School Boards, City Councils, Mayors, County, State, Judges and Federal.
Run for Office. Detail plans for your ideas and start talking to people.
It is very hard too run for office. It is very hard too win.
It is VERY hard to fight against the Good Ole Boys Club at every level of government, but you must do it.
I did it, I know how hard it is. That's why I can sit here and type this.
If good people with good ideas do not run for office, then America is left with thousands of governments being controlled by the same old politicians, lawyers, carpet baggers and power brokers.
Please Run. . .
Item 01:
I Love America.
This is a wonderful nation.
Be proud to call yourself an American.
Any person in the world can become an American. No other nation can make that claim.
True Leaders find every way to unite, Politicians use everything and anything to divide.
True unity is a citizenry that supports honest Leaders, who support individual liberties.
True Leaders are normal flawed human beings. People who are far from perfect.
Solving even the biggest problems in America, is not about who are the smartest people in the room.
All it takes is Leaders doing the hard work.
When a Leader stands among you, and offers their hand, do America a favor, take their hand and become part of the solution.
Item 02:
DC is not dis-functional. It works exactly the way it has been set up to work, over the last 60 years, to benefit an insulated demographic, known as the political class.
A Political Class made up of federal public officials, support staff, committee staff, LOBBYISTS, consultants, special interests, HUGE Law firms, top banks, top universities, top corporations, Media elites, the Federal Reserve System, government contractors and your top three or four layers of the executive branh departments.
The entire federal government supports directly, about 12 million people, through contracts, grants, geneal expenditures, giveaways. These are the insulated 3%.
This is the way things really work.
Katherine Gehl wrote a book “The Politics Industry.” Read it, absorb every word.
Everything in her book, is what I've been telling people for over 40 years.
Item 03:
To eliminate 'the establishment' is not realistic. It can be cut down to size, maybe reduced in power by 75%.
Lets be honest with each other, there simply aren't enough working class/middle class Americans, willing to serve in public office, at all levels, to completely eliminate the establishment.
If there were, then we wouldn't have an establishment.
Most people just want to go about their lives, and only passively engage in politics every two years, through voting.
The heavy lifting, of shrinking the establishment will fall to a small percentage, willing to serve the Constitution and sacrifice everything they have.
That is the cold harsh reality.
Hopefully you are one of those Patriots willing to help.
Most people just sit back and tell me “I'm to busy to get involved”, so decide how much value and time you will assign to your Freedom.
To reduce the establishment by 75% will take 10 – 20 years.
This means a constant supply of decent and honest people being elected to all levels of government, across the nation.
Plus constant support from people willing to be involved in their communities.
People willing to be staff members, to those in office. People willing to make it part of their life-style to help Constitutionally minded friends and neighbors get elected.
That is while the establishment pushes back, and tries to destroy Patriots at every turn.
Admit it, you know all of this to be true.
Another reason 'The Establishment' exists, is because the majority of people think it's just fine to have only two parties in charge. Then they can sit back and let 'their party' do battle with the other party.
Except that the other party is not really doing battle, because they share power and the politics industry keeps moving along.
There may be an ideological difference between the two parties, but everyone still wants to be invited to the DC Cocktail Dinner Parties.
Item 04:
I say it all the time, if adult Americans would put two hours a week into being involved, this nation would gain all it's Freedoms back. Our communities, big and small would all be vibrant.
That doesn't mean all adults doing two hours of political work, it means just being involved.
Whether it be local, community, county, state, federal, church, school board, service organization, clubs, volunteer work, etc. If you have a family, make ita family project.
Item 05:
The only link you will ever need, to stay politically informed. Politics1 is a directory, to all the essential political information.
The directory does not cover local, school board or county level offices. Perhaps 25 or 50 people would like to step forward and make a local/county equivalent to this directory.
Item 06:
There are about 44 registered major parties in America.
If you cannot find one that suits your over-all political and philosophical beliefs, then start your own.
A nation of 340 million plus people should have a hundred parties or more.
Item 07:
The last office I ran for, was mayor of Lincoln Park. I would encourage you to click on my old campaugn website, so you can see what I was willing to do for $14,500 a year, and putting in 60 hours a week at city hall.
Please note how many specific plans, ideas I had for the city, and how detailed my individual steps were. I want you to see this, so that you know I'm a nuts & bolts behind scenes guy, who does the non-sexy hard work of details, plans and street-level understanding of any issue.
Item 08:
I know, you have brewing concerns and questions, inside your mind already:
Q1. How does Chris expect to get anything done in DC? The establishment will shut him out.
A1. I intend to have an army of Constitutional volunteers around America, who will help push their members of Congress, to start working on and support my fundamental issues & ideas. This will take a lot of work, and real leadership on my part.
Q2. Why should I 'waste my vote' on a '3rd party' candidate, who cannot win? Doesn't Chris realize he must work within the two party system, to get anything done?
A2. This entire pre-conditioned mindset must change. All candidates from all parties must be judged on their Leadership abilities, Constitutional ideas and their honesty.
The two-party control of Congress must end.
538 members of Congress should be serving the Constitution or go home.
It is the responsibility of every voter, to do their own research and become properly informed on all candidates on the ballot.
If YOU were running for office, as a '3rd party' candidate, you would want ME, to be fully and properly informed on you.
YOU would want ME to take you seriously.
You would want me to ignore the media dribble and do my thorough research on all of YOUR ideas.
I don't ask for them. If a person, group or organization wants to endorse me, then I'll graciously accept.
I prefer to run as a simple Patriot-servant and on my plans/ideas.
The “Hot Button” stuff that everyone wants to know about a candidate. The stuff that the media judges, labels and 'packages' all candidates on:
NOTE: I certainly hope you read everything on every other page, not just these hot-button issues. All of us are far more than just a collection of brief statements. Wouldn't you agree?
Item 01:
I'm Pro-Life and I don't apologize for it.
If someone is pro-choice I don't make them apologize for it. Believe what you believe, but don't stop me from my beliefs. Think about that, before you decide to attack me.
I also don't tell other people how to make decisions for their family situation.
I don't believe governments and/or individual public officials really have a huge amount of power to decrease abortion. I firmly believe this is an issue handled within the family, home, community, churches and social organizations.
I'm happy to have a conversation with anyone on abortion, but my beliefs are spelled out here with honesty and directness.
Item 02:
I'm a Christian, raised Catholic and to be very clear; I accept the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. I live every day to do God's bidding on this small planet and pray he will keep all of humanity in his grace and mercy.
I have a profound level of respect for all the world's religions & spiritual beliefs. Every human being has the Free Will to worship and practice a faith, that makes them whole.
Most people have different religious beliefs, and none of that threatens my own beliefs.
As a Christian, I firmly believe God wants me to embrace all my brothers and sisters, in the name of human decency.
Item 03:
I support the Military and all our Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Aviators, who have the hardest jobs in the world.
Being a public official is super easy, compared to being a soldier.
Item 04:
I support all Law Enforcement officers, at every level.
If you think the job is easy, then put on a uniform & badge, strap on a firearm, and go patrol the burned out, gang infested neighborhoods of our poorest cities. You stop some Crack-head from bouncing his woman's head off the kitchen counter at 3am. Write a thousand speeding tickets or so, in the dead of winter, as the people curse your name.
Most people have no clue how hard the job is.
There, I think my feelings on police are quite clear.
Item 05:
I support the second amendment 100%.
Item 06:
I support quality public education, and if it were possible, I'd pay K-12 teachers a million dollars a year. The thankless job of having to educate everyone's little darlings. I could never do it.
Item 07:
Marriage and Civil Unions are between two adult individuals. So everyone stop dragging the Constitution, politics and media into it.
Item 08:
I don't care what your skin color, sexual orientation or religious beliefs are. If you can provide a Loving and safe home for a child, then I need you to adopt as many kids as possible.
All kids need Love, attention and guidance. I wish people and the media would stop making this a political issue.
Item 09:
I support the Death Penalty.
Item 10:
Reparations for descendants of Slaves, indentured servants and orphan children sold into bondage from 1619 to 1868.
I'm willing to have this conversation with anyone, as long as it is a conversation; and you listen to me as well.
From what I've observed over the last 45 years, there has been a lot of yelling back and forth.
Rarely do I hear actual conversation.
The first question is: “What does reparations mean?”
Item 11:
Racism: It will always be a human failing; government policy cannot change what is inside someone's heart.
The only thing people of good character can do, is live decent lives and pray for those who have hatred in their hearts.
I mean it, no government can solve racism.
I think the human species has another 200 years of social evolution, before skin color becomes irrelevant. I find this very dis-heartening, but I'm also being honest.
Item 12:
Illegal Immigration is just that, against the law. Why is this so hard for people to understand?
To that end, we need serious legal immigration reform, and I'm ready to help.
Item 13:
Border Security: Our borders need to be defined and secured. Why do people have trouble understanding this?
Why is this even a political issue?
It is one of the three pillars as to how you define your nation. China has thousands of miles of a HUGE wall, known as the Great Wall of China. Everyone thinks that wall is cool. No one ever tells China to tear down their wall.
Why would they? It helps define their ancient borders and is a part of their history and culture. I have the deepest personal respect and admiration for their Great Wall; as a border definition, a historical location and as cultural heritage.
Nobody in America cried when Saudi Arabia built a 700-mile border wall, for their protection.
Note: October 16, 2021: Mexican Drug Cartel members fire across border into Texas National Guard installation.
Go ahead, tell those National Guard soldiers, we don't need border security.
Item 14:
I Condemn ALL Violence.
Item 15:
Prejudice & Bias:
Every one of us is biased and prejudice about something or some group of people.
That includes me, I'm biased.
I'm very biased against Racists, Politicians, Lobbyists and most Lawyers.
There, I said it. Those are my biased views, and they are written right here, straight forward.
Item 16:
Intelligent Life throughout the Universe . . .
I firmly believe there are billions of planets in the universe, that have intelligent life. Not to mention life forms that don't exist on planets.
Yes, did you ever consider that?
Why do we always consider life forms to be something that needs a planet to sustain itself?
Humanity has a pretty narrow view as to what intelligent life really is.
For me It is a very simple matter of God and mathematics.
Reason 01: God.
God creates at least one universe, and Earthlings represent the sum-total of his genius as far as evolved intelligent life?
I see our solar system, from an alien's point of view, as a microscopic section of the Milky Way Galaxy, that is “under construction.”
In the last 100 years, of how we measure time, we earthlings, are a tiny bit interesting.
Nuclear power, global communication, some rockets, satellites; two of them leaving our solar system.
Perhaps around the time Elon is moving into his Mars colony, circa 2050 – 2060; we may be ready for “First Contact.”
I do believe we have been visited and studied many times by aliens, and I certainly believe the governments of the world, know far more than they tell their people.
Reason 02: Mathematics
Item 01: The Milky Way Galaxy contains over 100 billion stars.
Item 02: There are now an estimated two trillion galaxies in the known universe.
Hopefully with the James Webb project, we can start getting more detailed analysis on everything that Hubble cannot see.
Item 03: Lets just deal with intelligent life that needs a Planet to survive.
So Two trillion Galaxies that we estimate, medium sized Milky Way boasts 100 Billion stars, with some of them having orbiting planets.
Even if one out of two galaxies, has just one planet, orbiting one star, with intelligent life that we could understand; that's still one trillion intelligent life forms in the known universe,.
I Love mathematics.
Item 04:
Now you fold in intelligent life that doesn't need planets, inner-dimensional life-forms, etc.
Not only do I believe the universe is full of intelligent life, I think it is bursting with it.
Item 17:
Climate Change and Severe Weather.
1. They are two very different things, by definition.
2. Climate Change is a constant. The Climate of the earth has been changing since the planet formed 4.5 billion years ago.
3. "Severe Weather"
What is the definition of severe weather? Does anyone know?
4. I think the 'weather' has been rather mild and beautiful since the end of the last glacial period, 11,500 years ago.
The 'weather' WILL remain mild and beautiful for the next 50,000 years of the current Ice rotation we're in, until we start another 12,000-to-25,000-year glacial period.
5. Ice Rotations vary from 100,000 to 165,000 years, over the last 3 million years of the 'Ice Age.'
Item 18:
It is wrong. No matter who or which government is doing it.
Item 19:
Legitimate Major Party Reform
Can the two major parties be reformed?
Yes, I believe they can.
That is up to you, the voting Citizen.
Item 20:
Sex Education for kids.
This is the responsibility of Parents.
Item 21:
I could go on forever.
(Couldn't we all)
1. I understand what China is as a Communist nation and the thought process of a Communist government.
We will never know the full origin of the SARS-Covid2 virus-outbreak.
I do believe it was at the very least, a lab-leak of some kind.
I also believe, that there was/is some level of bioweapons research involved. That of course, is a separate issue.
2. Vaccinations. I got my shots and booster, based on my household situation and a conversation with my PCP.
I don't have strong feelings on vaccinations, in any direction.
What I do have VERY strong feelings on, is when anyone in government authority, starts telling Americans they need to put something in their body. Usually situations like that are politically motivated and not for 'Public Health.' Certainly not about science.
Make your own decision on vaccinations, for your own household. Do your own research and talk to your PCP as you see fit.
I never let politics, society or religion affect an individual medical decision, regarding my health.
I don't tell people what to put in their bodies. You're an adult, I expect you to act like one.
I was born November 8, 1967 in Wyandotte, MI.
I grew up in a working-class family, very strict Catholic setting in a Polish household. Pretty typical Wyandotte up-bringing.
I went to public schools and attended Henry Ford Community College from 1985 – 1988. I have an associates degree, in which I studied architecture, engineering, journalism and political science.
I worked normal restaurant jobs through HS and College.
I spent 31 years in International Trade working for three Customs House Brokers, as an analyst and operations manager.
I'll tell you this about working in international trade. It gives you a vast opportunity to see how the whole world really works at many levels. To see economics at work in raw form and get up close and personal with mountains of Federal Government Red Tape. I could tell you things you simply would not believe. I could tell you nightmare stories about government over-regulation that would make you cry loudly for your mom.
My political interest started at age 5, watching the world news, reading newspapers and my dad telling me that the Nixon-Watergate hearings were something important. Even though I was a child, I knew my dad was telling me something significant.
My dad was a mail-man his whole life, and my mom worked a part-time job at Kmart for awhile, but she was a stay at home mom, until my parents divorced when I was 13.
My mom suffered most of her adult life with mental illness, diagnosed in 1964; but her mental health issues went further back to about 1958.
I have a twin sister Carla, who died in poverty from mental illness at age 39. No matter how much dad and I tried to help her, she still died in poverty. I have an older brother Dennis, who lives in California.
I do not have any kids and I've never been married.
I've made many mistakes in life and I've made many good decisions as well, just like you. I've had a lot of bad luck and a lot of good luck, just like you. I've had very happy times in life and very sad times, just like you.
I've had days where I jumped out of bed, ready to take on the world. I've had days where it took every ounce of will and strength to drag myself out of bed and stumble through the day. Just like you.
I've dealt with Liars, Lawyers and people who just wanted to destroy my world. Just like you.
I've also had angels of mercy step into my day, and save me from myself. Just like you.
The best decision I made in life, was at 21 when I became my mom's Legal Guardian.
I was very unhappy with the mental health system and the lack of coordinated care my mom was getting.
As with so many other families that deal with mental illness, you really need to have one person be involved full-time. Plus my mom was getting older and she did need help.
I was her legal guardian for 15 years, and that, plus a loving dad, has made me the man I am.
Everything good and decent about me is due to me following my dad's life examples and taking care of my mom.
Any flaws and hang-ups I have as an individual, are my own stupidity, and I blame no one but the guy in the mirror.
I thank God all the time that he chose me to take care of my mom, as it is what an adult son is supposed to do, take care of his mom; regardless of circumstances.
I also helped my dad take care of my sister Carla, during her 11 years of mental illness.
I focus on this for two reasons, one I need all of you to understand that mental illness is still swept under the rug in this country and two, I want you to know that I've walked the walk on this and other issues.
I've seen the very best of the mental health industry at work, and the very worst. I've seen everything in between.
Now, back to my political life:
In 1977 I wrote my first letter to President Carter, expressing my concerns on Middle-east policy and offering some solutions to him.
I was a very different kind of kid, when it came to politics and world events. My dad encouraged my questions and always helped me to understand the larger world around me.
My dad was a very smart and kind man, the best man by far, that I've ever known.
My goal in life has always been, to be 1/10th the man my dad was.
By age 13 I was deeply reading daily news, studying and researching encyclopedias and going to the library. I wanted all the information I could get on how government worked, didn't work, issues, policies, legislation, the establishment, etc., etc., etc., etc.
No detail was to big or to small.
At age 25, I went to DC for the first time; to fight against the Health Security Act and introduce my own legislative proposals to Congress.
From age 25 to 37, I would go to DC a total of 6 times, on my own dime and directly speak to Congressional and Executive staff about my proposals.
I've worked with groups and organizations across the board.
I've ran for Local public office four times and served two terms on city council.
Though 99% of my political/government knowledge and talents is at a national and international level.
I know the 'conventional political thinking' is how can a guy who has only served on city council, be propely “prepared” to be in the U.S. House of Representatives?
If we went with 'conventional political thinking' all the time, we would still be under the rule of King George III.
NUMBER ONE THING: As a member of Congress you protect and preserve the Constitution of the United States. This includes voting NO on legislation that falls outside the Constitution.
Which means I'll be casting a HUGE number of NO votes.
Plus I firmly believe it is time for working-class/middle-class people, who understand the hydraulics of government and the Constitution, to fill all the seats of Congress, executive branch departments and the Presidency.
We must shake off this media narrative and our own mindset, that working-class/middle-class people are not sophisticated enough to hold these positions.
I personally know a dozen people who are ready to walk into any federal government position, elected and/or appointed.
The media has done such a dis-service, drum-beating daily that only ivy-league educated Americans have the proper knowledge of the world to hold lofty positions. That somehow they are the only ones 'smart enough' to manage complex government affairs.
I submit to you, that these people have proven, through their 'membership' in an establishment, that they have failed on almost every level, to discharge the duties of their office or position.
OR!!!! We can sit back and let the Political Establishment Class keep doing such a fabulous job, of consolidating power for themselves.
I want to take this moment and recommend two books I think everyone 18 and older should read:
Book one: The U.S. Constitution. If you haven't read it in a couple of years, it's time to brush up. Please note I put a link at the top of this page.
Book two: The Politics Industry, by Katherine Gehl and Michael Porter.
I saw Mrs. Gehl's interview on C-span's Q & A. It was literally everything that I've ever told people around me, about the way things really work.
Please review all my detailed policy ideas/proposals, and compare them to what the other candidates for the 12th district House seat are presenting.
I ask nothing more, that you make an informed decision, on who is offering up Leadership and policy, that will benefit America, our district and the Constitution.
If you want to get 10 people or more together on your block, I'll gladly sit down with your group, and discuss my Love for America, my policies and ideas.
To everyone out there who is part of or relates to the progressive movement/radical left.
I've been trying to reach out to you:
1. Why are you constantly angry, every second of every day? No one likes being around people who are constantly angry.
2. Do you claim 'special and unique' knowledge of some injustice in the world?
3. Is it some kind of injustice that you think I don't care or know about?
4. Set aside your self-righteous indignation long enough to hear me.
5. I may not share your ideology, but I care as deeply about injustices around America and the world as you do.
What? You think you're the only one that believes Slavery was evil?
You think you're the only one concerned about poverty, especially in America's poorest cities?
You think you're the only one that feels offended when any group of people has been mistreated?
Think again.
6. Why do you think I stay in the fight?
7. Why do you think I've brought proposals to Congress for 29 years now? (Yes, me, an individual citizen)
8. Why do you think I push the Economic Democracy Act, to impact Poverty?
9. So to the radical left, if you set aside your anger, hatred and loathing of people like me long enough. You may discover I'm working on the issues that you spend ALL your time yelling about.
Let me know when you want to talk and help do the heavy lifting.
Or is there no room in your BIG tent, for people that think differently than you?
Think about that. . . .
1. RNC:
Republican National Committee:
This is the national decision making body, that governs internal policy, the platform and direction of the Republican Party.
The members of this committee are insiders and part of the establishment.
Their main goal is to control government policy, take your money and collect as much national and international power for the party as possible.
2. DNC:
Democratic National Committee:
This is the national decision making body, that governs internal policy, the platform and direction of the Democratic Party.
The members of this committee are insiders and part of the establishment.
Their main goal is to control government policy, take your money and collect as much national and international power for the party as possible.
3. A 'rank & file' Democrat:
These are registered members of the Democratic party. These are just regular people, from all walks of life, economic status and every skin color. You may not agree with their political or social ideologies, but that doesn't make them bad people.
Most of the registered Democratic party members I've met, are very decent people.
I personally don't agree much with their ideological beliefs, but I surely like them as individuals.
I think their party leadership has sold them out, and continues to just fleece them for cash and votes, but that does not make them bad people.
4. A 'rank & file' Republican:
These are registered members of the Republican party. These are just regular people, from all walks of life, economic status and every skin color. You may not agree with their political or social ideologies, but that doesn't make them bad people.
Most of the registered republican party members I've met, are very decent people.
I personally don't agree with parts of their ideological beliefs, but I surely like them as individuals.
I think their party leadership has sold them out, and continues to just fleece them for cash and votes, but that does not make them bad people.
Note: I'm a life-long student and fan of John Locke.
5. Liberalism:
Philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding Liberalism as a distinct tradition, and social-political system of beliefs.
His thinking and philosophical clarified and helped shape the Age of Enlightenment.
Based on the social contract, arguing that each individual has a natural right to life, liberty & property; and governments must not violate these rights. ...
Liberalism, according to Locke, also included an individual 'owning' the thoughts of their mind and the benefits of their labor. You could say John Locke is the God Father of Intellectual Property Rights.
For decades I've encouraged young people to study John Locke and his philosophy.
6. Classic Conservatism:
A political-social construct that enumerates limitations on government systems, and how far a government can intrude into an individuals Life, thoughts and property.
This belief favors private sector ownership and investment, and relegates government authority, to issues that are to large for an individual to accomplish alone. i.e. The federal government can raise and sustain an Army, for national defense, more efficiently than individual citizens can.
Notice how similar 5 and 6 are, when talking original definitions.
Thought 01:
The Human Condition:
I was born a street-level guy and that is what I'll always be.
It hasn't stopped me from caring or thinking about larger philosophical ideas, issues , insights.
I firmly believe every human being is born with unique gifts and talents.
Most people will never realize their full potential, either because of situations they put themelves in, or just plain old bad luck.
The Human Condition has more potential to evolve in free societies, since independent thought and the ability to share those thoughts is not centrally controlled.
That is not even a point of debate, its true.
As a species we are right at the edge of actual evolution to a plain of global realization.
Will be one of a 'Blade runner' society, where you have a super-insulated establishment ruling class, with the rest of us fighting each other over scraps of meat?
Or, can humanity set aside the pettiness of power-grabbing and control over the masses, so that we move forward to a'Level 1' civilization.
I for one, want to be part of a true global community, where all nations respect indivduals, their rights and their lives.
We're coming up on 400 years since John Locke discussed the power of the individual mind and how a person owns all that intellectual property. He didn't use those terms, but that is what he meant.
I look at most governments around the world and see they prefer a Blade Runner society.
I've spent a life-time seeking out people who do not want to see that happen.
I hope you're one of them.
March 6:
Since I'm a candidate for the U.S. House, Michigan's 13th district.
I believe I should share some of my own thinking on some current events, etc.
Voters may be wondering if I have a grasp on the larger geo-political world, that I'm seeking to enter.
Today's specific topic:
The How and the Who, is getting President Biden's biggest chunk of time on handling Russia's invasion of neighboring Ukraine.
#1. So remember, I'm working off news stories, plus my understanding of how DC really works.
Like you, I don't have access to a classified intelligence briefing.
If I did however, it wouldn't change this specific analysis.
#2. WH chief of staff Ron Klain was on Biden's VP staff, staff to VP Gore and a long-time lobbyist/DC insider.
I believe Klain was chosen by Valerie Jarret to be in-charge of daily operations at the WH, and tightly control Biden's access.
#3. This is not odd by any means, it is standard DC-insider game-plan, to have a WH chief of staff who controls every 5-minute increment of the President's daily calendar.
Yes, the President's day is divided into sections that small.
There are "Buffer" blocks of time, if the President takes a real interest in something new and wants a deeper explanation from whomever is meeting with him.
This also depends on how much time any president spends in the Oval office on any given day.
#4. I say Valerie Jarret was the principle decider in who would be WH chief of staff, because she is the only Obama admin. who did not come back in an official role. Yet she was part of Obama's inner most circle for 8 years.
#5. SOS Blinkin, the NSC staff, DNI are smart enough, and deep enough insiders to know everything they do, must have at least a passive approval from Jarret and 'her people.'
Nothing odd about this, all modern president have 'kitchen cabinet' advisors.
I stand firm that Jarret is part of that group and runs a conduit directly to Klain or VP Harris, probably Klain.
#6. The last 3 weeks I've spent a lot of time thinking about the people at State running the Russia desk and Ukraine desk.
'Desk' is just a DC term, these are offices full of analysts, staff and loads of establishment people, who have been doing these jobs for decades, and bringing in their own re4placements.
These are the dee-sate blue-bloods of the DC establishment, and no dept. is more entrenched with these people than State. That goes all the way back to Robert Dulles, trust me.
I'm betting that with the carnage mounting in Ukraine that everyone at the Russia/Ukraine desks are making sure their own particular asses are covered. that they made enough policy recommendations and wrote enough memos, to their Deputy assistant secretary, that eventually made it to Blinkin's desk, and as a DNI briefing point, and to the NSC staff. Who are all doing their own paper-mill of memos to make sure they all are covered.
Because you see, they failed at their basic task of foreign policy here. Good foreign policy means avoiding or preventing bad nations from invading sovereign nation neighbors.
#7. The last 3 weeks, I'd like to see who Klain has decided is getting the most Oval office time. Those people are the ones making policy towards Russia right now, and getting Biden's stamp of approval, or maneuvering him into approving what they want.
That is how DC works in this specific situation. Adding in separate layers of this playing out at DOD, Energy dept., NSA, NSC, NRO, etc.
I hope you will take additional time over the coming weeks to read my entire website and the 8 issues I want to be a leader on.
Thank you 13th.
March 7
As a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives, I find in necessary to share some of my thinking, about the very large geo-political world.
Voters should know that a candidate they're considering has spent serious time, understanding and researching many serious aspects of the world.
Today's topic: Kurdistan
#1. I've spent decades following the Kurdish people. They literally sit in the most unique location on the planet. On the very edge of Europe, Middle east, Russia and a host of diverse neighbors.
#2. Kurdistan is an antonymous province, making up the northern third of Iraq. When the Ottoman empire was disolved after WWI, Kurdistan was folded intro an "Energy state."
#3. The South eastern provinces of Turkey are heavy Kurdish. The Kurds have never been their own nation-state.
#4. Many times over the years, I've recommended to the State dept., that Kurdistan be recognized as a sovereign nation, solving many frictions in the world.
#5. I believe world leaders have missed a real opportunity, the last 30 years. The Kurds govern themselves, and rarely cause any trouble for neighbors.
March 8:
As a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives, I find it important, that voters know what my level of understanding is, on BIG things.
The federal government is way too huge, and surely needs to be shoe-horned back into Constitutional boundaries.
Today's specific topic:
The Bureau of Land management, inside the Interior Dept.
#1. The federal government owns 27% of the land in America. Stop for a moment and let that sink in.
#2. Inside this bureau, 4 layers down, is the director who oversees energy, minerals and realty for U.S. public lands. This position has an enormous amount of power within the government, and it is buried deep with the Interior dept.
#3. The number of leases the federal government controls is to high. The amount of land the government controls needs to change.
#4. This is where leadership matters on a daily basis. There are several political appointments of people above that manager, and it is a President's advisor who usually puts together a short list of who will be appointed.
This may not be a very sexy headline grabbing topic, but it digs deep into how the federal government works and how much they control.
March 20:
I vent my spleen on this, because I'm wanting it on my campaugn website for all of time:
- Let me preface this by saying, that I'm sure most of the people that work at think tanks are decent people and believe they're making a difference.
- There are about 600 think tanks in America. Where do you think ex-government officials go, after they leave Congress,& the executive branch?
- A policy expert with the Eur-Asia center was on C-span this morning. During her comments she said she wrote a column last November, predicting that Russia would invade Ukraine.
- Well, whooptee-doo. Obviously not enough people in Congress or the State dept. were paying attention.
- Here is the truth, all these think tanks and policy centers could be 100% right on EVERY one of their issues, predictions, dissertations, etc. If the members of Congress, State, WH are not listening or caring, then your efforts have failed.
- The problem though IS the people in government. How many people get elected to Congress and are ready on DAY ONE to comprehend and make an informed decision on Russian designs on Ukraine?
- ALL of them 'should' be. You shouldn't even begin to think about running for Congress, unless you have some decent understanding of how the world really works.
- ALL eligible voters please hear me. If ANY candidate for Congress or the White Houise cannot give you a comprehensive opinion/analysis on Russia/Ukraine, then they're not ready to be in federal office.
- ANY current member of Congress, who didn't figure out 15 years agio, that Putin needede to be constantly contained, should be voted out.
- Please everyone, demand more, demand better, demand something different.
March 22:
Everyone here is a link to an interview I did with Mary Combs.
Her page is Downriver Girl & friends, and she is a host with Cave Radio Broadcasting.
I encourage everyone in the 13th district to follow Mary Combs, she is very good at letting candidates just
simply talk to the people.
(20+) Facebook Live | Facebook
March 22:
Here is part 2, the last 16 minutes with Mary Combs, Downriver Girl & friends.
(20+) Facebook Live | Facebook
March 27:
So! I post this because I'll be transferring it to my campaign website, as I like to double down on my genuine beliefs during any campaign.
I don't stick my finger in the political wind and 'edit' myself.
#1. Is judge Brown qualified to be a supreme court justice?
Yes. She is 'learned in the law', a U.S. citizen and a legal adult.
#2. Sen. Lindsey Graham asked her about her religion.
Perhaps Sen. Graham should review the Constitution. No religious test shall be given, to hold an office of public trust.
#3. Perhaps EVERY member of the United States Senate, since the Robert Bork hearings, should review the Constitution.
As a legislative body they are to deliberate, advise and give consent.
#4. None of this happens anymore. The entire process has become a made-for-TV political philosophy litmus test.
#5. And if you're a nominee, don't worry. As long as your party controls the WH & Senate, your party will get you in.
#6. 'Diversity' in the SCOTUS????
Come early April, once judge Brown is confirmed, the Ivy League will have 8 of the 9 seats.
#7. BTW: there is a long standing internal tradition at the SCOTUS, when they discuss cases in conference.
The 9 justices are the only ones in the room.
Whomever has the least seniority, prepares and serves the coffee & tea, while they're in conference.
That is a very little known tradition. I only know about the tradition, because I heard just one justice speak about it during a personal interview. She said it is a SCOTUS tradition, and it was her pleasure and honor to do it, when she was the new person.
#8. Is there anyone left in America, who takes the SCOTUS/Senates nomination process seriously?
You really shouldn't. It has become yet another great institution, that has now been eviscerated on the alter of politics.
We need better senators, and maybe a SCOTUS nomination from outside the political-legal elite.
April 6:
Hi. It's me again.
Sitting here at my store and listening to this caller to WJR, weighing in on Illegal immigrants, and how nothing is getting done.
#1. To ALL voters, stop bitching about the problem and force your leaders to do something. You can also replace your leaders.
#2. LEGAL Immigration laws need to be changed, time-frames cut down.
#3. Get Involved!!!!!!!!!!
#4. 25 Americans right now: Form a group "Americans for Legal Immigration Reform."
#5. Create an FB pages, E-mail account, Website, Cellphone #, Twitter and Instagram accounts. Put all of that on a business card. You are now a group with a public presence.
#6. Spend your first 4-months recruiting more members, getting interviews and reviewing all the immigration laws. Come up with a legislative proposal that has 15 policy objectives.
#7. Organize your volunteers to start contacting EVERY member of Congress once a week, and the White House, and ICE, and INS.
That is just one way to properly organize and make an impact.
Contact me when your Legislative proposal is ready, I'll review and If it looks good to me, I'll support it when I get elected to Congress,
This is one way to Get Involved and be affective.
Chris Dardzinski for Congress: District 13
Candidate: U.S. Taxpayers Party Michigan.
May 2:
ANY newly elected member of Congress must be ready on 'day 1' to operate at a very high level.
You know, hit the ground running, as they say.
If I win the 13th District, here is a selection of things I'd be putting into my first 14-Hour day:
1. Turn in my request for my first ten 5-minute speech's, for post 7pm, floor time on the House floor. So I can start detailing for America, what I'm working on and my general observations of what I see happening in DC.
2. Have my staff start scheduling the following meetings with:
a. The FOMC
b. Ron Klain & his staff
c. RNC & DNC chairs, to invite them to join me in pushing the Economic Democracy Act, since they claim to care about Poverty.
d. Schedule meetings with CATO, RAND corp., Brookings, AEI, Heritage Foundation, Hoover Institute, the Aspem institute and several other key Think Tanks, to get on board with the EDA and a Single rate Tax system.
3. Personally introduce myself to the General Counsels of the Financial Services Committee, and let them know that we will be working very closely for 729 days.
4. Personally call the first 10 members of the House that are on 'my list of 95' members to talk with, regarding support for the EDA.
5. Review my less than stellar committee assignments, obviously.
6. Personally call C-span and request a Q&A interview to cover my major issues.
7. Make sure all staff that I've hired feels like they are part of my Patriot-team. Remind every one of them that Fidelity to the Constitution is the only thing that matters in our office.
8. Avail myself of the Speaker's Staff and start working on getting my proposals on committee dockets.
9. Personally call NASA and request a meeting asap, to start building a relationship, so we can get the O'Neil cylinder project into the pipeline.
10. Sit down with my Chief of Staff, and make sure we schedule time each week, so that people from the district, traveling to DC, get my personal time.
11. Call the NRO and schedule a meeting. I want to be one of the very few members of congress that reviews their facility and make sure they have everything they need.
12. Call the Secretary of the Navy and arranger a meeting, so I can convince him or her, that we need to expand CSGs(Carier Strike Groups) to 16 by 2036.
Yeah, that is a good place to start for day 1.
I'm sure I'll add more. . .
How does this list look to you?
May 28
Here is an update on the African Continental Free Trade Agreement(AfCFTA) There are now 43 of 54 signatories, that have ratified the plan. I've been following this for several years now. There many layers of benefits to this plan: #1. Currency and economic stability for the continent. #2. Keeping China from stripping those nations of their mineral and petroleum wealth, under unacceptable contracts. petroleum wealth, under unacceptable contracts. #3. Vastly open up capital Ownership and strengthen banking and stock markets across the continent. #4. All of this translates into more political freedom. I have proposed to the CESJ that the signatory nations be presented the Economic Democracy Act, which will further remove Poverty, and therefore more economic mobility. If I win the 13th Congressional district, one of my side projects would be to get America to formally set up direct financial guidelines, so that we have the ability to invest in the index funds, of the 29 stock exchanges on the African continent. I know this is pretty dry stuff, but this is how you spread capital Ownership through free markets and free enterprise.,Niger%20on%207%20July%202019.
Recommendation 01
Recommendation 02
A 5 point plan to end the fraudulent banking system!
1) Create a platform which allows people to opt out of our current system! Short Video
2) Provide educational programs that teach true principles of financial literacy, history and leadership! Short video
3) Incentivize people to share the platform with a merit based compensation plan! Allowing the ambitious to build additional income! Short video
4) Schedule events around the country to bring communities together sharing best practices and inspiration! Short video
5) Don't expect this to be easy! Audio recording from a recent event!
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