Federal Budget, Department & Agency Reduction and employee down-sizing; through attrition and retirement.
Some General Notes:
Note A:
For every two federal employees that retire, only one new employee is hired. The person is hired, only if the work-load requires it, at an individual office, team or project/program level.
Note B:
Freeze Government spending at current levels, for Five budget years.
Note C:
After the five year period, return the federal government budget process to a zero-dollar analysis, and every agency, department and board will submit budgets accordingly.
YOU are the VOTER.
You are the boss and in charge of this representative system of government.
1. Shoe-horning the federal government back inside the Constitution, means electing more members of Congress, who understand this MUST happen.
2. I'm talking about 300 new members of Congress every two years.
3. If 100 million citizens would call, e-mail and write letters to their Congressional delegation once a month, things would start changing. Eliminating agencies and departments not part of Constitutional authority is hard work.
4. Start researching all the candidates in your district. I cannot do this alone.
Section 1:
List of Federal Agencies and Departments that need to be eliminated, as they fall outside those enumerated powers granted to the federal government.
Also, there are agencies that overlap and duplicate the work of other departments and agencies.
The size and scope of our current federal government is more than just a little insane.
Phase out over three years: reduce budget and staff 33% each year.
Section 2:
I'm a firm believer in doing things, based on people smarter than me and are experts in their field.
Eric Prince, founder and former CEO of Black Water.
During a Congressional hearing, Prince recalled a contract quote, where Black Water told the Border Patrol, they could train a border officer, for 1/3 of what the federal government would spend.
Prince commented that the government spends as much to train a border officer for 4 months, as it costs to send a student to an Ivy League school for 4 years.
Having that level of expert information, as a member of Congress I would:
cut curent federal agent training line-items by 50%.
Section 3
“5 by 5” legislative proposal: Dardzinski for Congress.
This is long, please read.
I will be working this in to a legislative proposal, that I will push now, after election day.
If you have very large problems in a nation, you need very large solutions.
You also need Leaders, willing to work on every detail.
I have picked items that are absolutely critical to America's economic, security and political survival.
Items that can be implemented over a 5-year period, in increments of 20% benchmarks. Let's pass this law in 2025, to take affect FY 2026 – 2030.
Item 1a:
All current benefits through December 2025, will stay as is, for current recipients. Social Security Benefits, raise retirement age as follows:
2026: 67 years 7 months
2027: 68 years 7 months
2028: 69 years 7 months
2029: 70 years 7 months
2030: 71 years 7 months
Taking into consideration that Social Security Disability will follow current criteria.
Item 1b: Social Security Benefits, transfer government management to private-indivivdual control of a '401K' style investment portfolio. I'm allowing a 5-year period, to work on all the details, metrics and financial infrastructure. Training of SSA-staff, etc.
FY 2031: Americans able to receive SSA benefits, age 54 – 65, have their accounts transferred to a 401K-style account.
FY 2032: Americans able to receive SSA benefits, age 44 – 55, have their accounts transferred to a 401K-style account.
FY 2033: Americans able to receive SSA benefits, age 35 – 45, have their accounts transferred to a 401K-style account.
FY 2034: Americans able to receive SSA benefits, age 25 – 36, have their accounts transferred to a 401K-style account.
FY 2035: Americans able to receive SSA benefits, age 18 – 26, have their accounts transferred to a 401K-style account.
FY 2036 and on: GAO annual review of SSA staff managing the 401K-style program, and recommend eliminating staff accordingly.
Item 2a:
Dept. of Education, student loan transfer system, back to private sector.
The private banking system used to handle student loans, and they shall once again. My proposal is about improving colleges and universities, by making sure studentys receive an education based on critical thinking, research skills and personal excellence. Banks will need time to absorb the total student loan portfolio, at scale.
2026: Projected total of federal government student loans , 20% transfer to banks. Reduce DOE staff handleing student loans by 20%.
2027: Projected total of federal government student loans , 25% transfer to banks. Reduce DOE staff handleing student loans by 25%.
2028: Projected total of federal government student loans , 33.3% transfer to banks. Reduce DOE staff handleing student loans by 33.3%.
2029: Projected total of federal government student loans , 50% transfer to banks. Reduce DOE staff handleing student loans by 50%.
2030: Projected total of federal government student loans , 100% transfer to banks. Reduce DOE staff handleing student loans by 100%.
I give you my personal economic guarantee that the following two things will happen:
Number 1: The cost of running a college/university will go down. Tuition will go down.
Number 2: Education programs will be come less 'political' and more pragmatic, once again.
Number 3: Students will mature into adults, during their college years.
Item 2b:
Research grants and general grants from every federal government agency, to colleges and universities. Reduce total grant dollars by 50%.
Cap total federal government grant money to celleges/universities, at 1% annual increase.
FY 2026: Grant money capped at 90% of 2025.
FY 2027: Grant money capped at 90% of 2026.
FY 2028: Grant money capped at 90% of 2027.
FY 2029: Grant money capped at 90% of 2028.
FY 2030: Grant money capped at 90% of 2029.
FY 2031: The federal government grant total will remain capped at 1% increase annual.
Item 3:
Eliminate all Federal Tax-Code loop-holes in five years.
FY 2026: Eliminate 20% of Federal Tax-Code loop-holes, and 20% of related IRS-staff.
FY 2027: Eliminate 25% of remaining Federal Tax-Code loop-holes, and 25% of related IRS-staff.
FY 2028: Eliminate 33.3% of remaining Federal Tax-Code loop-holes, and 33.3% of related IRS-staff.
FY 2029: Eliminate 50% of remaining Federal Tax-Code loop-holes, and 50% of related IRS-staff.
FY 2030: Eliminate all remaining Federal Tax-Code loop-holes, and all related IRS-staff.
Item 4:
Increase Gerald R. Ford-Class Aircraft Carriers from 10 to 15. Staging on permamnent rotation, 4 CSGs in the Chinese theater of the Pacific ocean.
Section 1: 2025: U.S. Navy Gerald R. Ford-Class general purchase contract extended from 10 to 15 Aircraft Carriers, and all Naval assets for Carrier Strike Groups. The 15th Aircraft Carrier to be delivered by 2040.
Lock in Carriers 11 – 15 at a total contract of $75 Billion.
This needs to happen, as China is looking to re-capture Taiwan as a communist province by 2027. Our forward deplyment and force projection posture needs to be solid and firm. This Ford-Class carrier expansion must happen by 2026.
Section 2: We need the ship building yards to build two Ford-Class carriers at one time.
Section 3: $95 Billion was spent on the Ford-Class carrier project, before the Gerald R. Ford took it's first weld. This means the GAO, Navt, Congress and White House can produce carriers' 11 – 15, at $75 Billion, locked in on the contracts.
Item 5:
Increase legal immigration rates over-all and all work-visa programs.
As follows:
FY 2026: 5% Increase legal immigration rates over-all and all work-visa programs. Eliminate 5% of USCIS staff.
FY 2027: 5% Increase legal immigration rates over-all and all work-visa programs. Eliminate 5% of USCIS staff.
FY 2028: 5% Increase legal immigration rates over-all and all work-visa programs. Eliminate 5% of USCIS staff.
FY 2029: 5% Increase legal immigration rates over-all and all work-visa programs. Eliminate 5% of USCIS staff.
FY 2030: 5% Increase legal immigration rates over-all and all work-visa programs. Eliminate 5% of USCIS staff.
Focus everyone. If you want Leadership, you have to vote for it. 2024 may be the most 'critical' election of our time, but remember, 1790 was the most 'important.' Carefully research all the information for each candidate for each office. Then vote per office. Use Constitutional rationale, logic and common sense. Do not let your emotions, anger and personal feelings cloud your better judgement. If you want to help, just give me a call. 313.550.8922. URL: https://leadership1776.com/
Note 01:
Under the Constitution and with the understanding that today, we cannot ask Portugal to provide a navy; the following 4 departments are critical federal government infrastructure:
Note 02:
These departments still will be downsized, re-organized and combined with other agencies and departments in the below listings:
Dept. of State
Dept. of Treasury
Dept. of Justice
Dept. of Defense
Dept. of Interior
Census Bureau
Bureau of Economic Analysis
Note 03:
I was not a fan of comingling many different agencies and former bureaus into a DHS “Homeland Security” puzzle.
Setting aside different department cultures and computer systems, you've essentially added three layers of additional red-tape onto each of these agencies. Then we expect them to work better, faster, stronger.
I'm not a fan of the offcie of the Director of National Intelligence either. Again, you've added layers of red-tape but expect the intelligence product to be more efficient.
These are very new entities, but I just don't know how you unravel them. It should be 'easier' since they're newer, but it is actuall harder.
For now I would just leave DHS and DNI on a shelf andf come back to it later.
My below recommendations are enough to keep everyone busy with needed change.
Consolidation 01:
Dept. of Education:
Dept. of HHS
Dept. of Agriculture
These three are re-organized into the:
Dept. of Health, Welfare & Education.
This dept. shall consist of the following agencies, boards and bureaus:
Office of the Secretary
Office of the deputy Secretary
Office of Inspector General
Office for Civil Rights
Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development
Office of the General Counsel
Office of Legislation and Congressional Affairs Overview Home Page
Office of Communications and Outreach
Institute of Education Sciences
(This official will answer directly to the Deputy Secretary)
All 9 Children and family agencies need to under one office, with total operational staff to be cut by 50%. Phased in over a three year period.
Just by looking at the current flow-chart, there are many over-lapping offices.
Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease registry : Combine with CDC.
Idea 01:
Dept. of Defense:
Fold in Dept. of Veterans Affairs:
Take off the top three layers of secretaries, deputies and assistants, and fold this into the DOD, answering to an asst. secretary of veterans affairs.
Combine the computer systems. Once a soldier, sailor, etc. enters military service, the same ID Number and information is in one central system, until they die.
Idea 02:
Privatize the entire VA into a hospital management group, and let veterans administrate it directly.
Special Note:
The CATO institute did a study on this idea.
I suggest you Google around and find it.
There are many ways to make the federal government smaller, faster and cheaper.
Other agencies folded into DOD.
American Battle Monuments Commission
The following components of the Dept. of Energy:
Bureau 01: Office of the under secretary for nuclear security
Bureau 02: ARPA-E
Bureau 03: Assistant Secretary for Cyber Security
(This should be folded into NSA)
Re-Organization of the rest of DOD:
As I review the DOD organization chart, it is quite task specific.
The GAO needs to start with Defense Finance and Accounting Service. The 2017 – 2018 audit didn't yield results, as to the waste inside DOD. So, GAO will need to start there with a forensic accounting audit.
DOD can do everything it does right now, for $100 Billion less per budget year.
That is exactly what Robert Gates said, and I believe him.
This requires bringing in a Secretary, deputy & assistant deputies that are ready to directly fight the Contractor-Wallstreet-DOD purchaser triad.
This is no joke, this is a real as it gets. For 7 decades this triad has carefully grown their relatiobnships, power and nuanced control over budget dollars.
The DOD purchasing staff are very powerful people, with deep connections across the world and they understand every aspect of how to keep contracts bloated and keep you and Congress in the dark. Thats how they've kept there power.
A DOD secretary needs to fire a 1000 people or more, inside the pentagon.
Every single contract needs to be reviewed, forensically examined by accounting experts who understand DOD contracting.
So my job in Congress would be to build enough of a relationship with top DOD officials so they have enough clout to start this process.
Step #1 would be my above mentioned freezing of the government budget for three years.
This will cause purchasing offices in DOD(& all other departments), to either find better contract bids, or they will scream their heads off.
The offices where pruchasers are screaming their heads off, that is where you start your audit.
Yeah, i know other Candidates will just say on a flier, 'cut military spending.'
You need a plan and steps as to how you do this.
I've offered you a thumbnail impression as to what i would do.
The same needs to be done within HHS, to get a handle on all their waste.
Dept. of Treasury, Commerce & Labor:
Note 01:
Treasury dept. proper remains as is.
Note 02:
The following agencies and bureaus from Commerce and Labor to be folded in, and the rest eliminated, as they fall outside Constitutional enumerated powers granted to the federal government.
Census bureau
Bureau of Economic Analysis
International Trade Administration
U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
Occupational Safety & Health Administration(OSHA)
Mine Safety & Health Administration
Employee Benefits Security Administration
Note 03:
Your know, being a nerd, I have a soft spot in my heart for NIST and NOAA.
I think these two agencies are better served if they become private sector entities. Let science and the market-place decide their value.
Note 04:
You will notice my proposal strips away 80% of Commerce and Labor dept. bureaus, boards, offices, etc.
The majority of those two departments should be done at the state or county levels. States and counties are vastly different as far as labor and economic resources, they need to decide what is best for their area.
This is the central problem, that the federal government, through an 'administrative state' has taken over way to much of states/counties responsibilities.
I think about the number of jobs and economic opportunity that has been crushed, so that the federal government can maintain control.
It breaks my heart.
Dept. of Interior:
Add in these sections from the elimination of the Energy dept.
Bueau 01: Indian Energy Policy
Bureau 02: Assistant secretary of Electricity and the four programs they over-see.
Bureau 03: National Laboratory Operations board.
Add in these sectins from the desolution of dept. of
What follows is more of a recommendation for re-organization.
The State dept. has taken on roles that far exceed diplomacy and implementation of foreign policy.
I have stripped away everything, and my structure is an attempt to return the department to it's Constitutional roots.
Secretary of State
Deputy Secretary of State
Assistant Secretary of State for Ambassadors and consulates.
Note: This secretary will directly over-see all Ambassadors and Consulates, to nations we want to have normalized foreign relations with)
Assistant Secretary of State for North America
Assistant Secretary of State for Central America
Assistant Secretary of State for South America
Assistant Secretary of State for Europe
Assistant Secretary of State for Middle-East
Assistant Secretary of State for Africa
Assistant Secretary of State for Antarctica/Greenland/Iceland/New Zeeland/Australia
Assistant Secretary of State for Asia-at-Large
Assistant Secretary of State for China
Assistant Secretary of State for Russia
Assistant Secretary of State for India
Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence
Eliminate the following Independent agencies, boards, etc.
Note: This entire list of recommended independent agency eliminations, is based solely on whether they fall under enumerated powers granted to the federal government, by the Constitution.
The list is in alphabetical order, as that was the list of independent agencies I worked from.
So don't get bent out of shape over FGI 01.
FGI 01:
African Development Foundation
FGI 02:
Agency for Global Media
U.S. Agency for International Development
FGI 04:
Alhurra TV/Radio Sawa
FGI 05:
Amtrak: National Railroad Passenger Corporation
FGI 06:
FGI 07:
FGI 08:
FGI 09:
FGI 10:
Note A: I do believe we need some basic social safety networks, and the federal government can play a proper le in that.
I also believe a real social safety net starts with: Family members, neighbors, friends, community organizations, churches, local government, county government and state government.
Then, and only then, should the federal government be approached.
Item 01:
Every year: the GAO will do a 6-month review of 1/3 of the departments and independent agencies. Then make recommendations to the President and the Congress, for further consolidation, elimination of departments, bureaus and agencies.
Item 02:
Congress shall have 90 days to review, debate and vote.
Item 03:
The executive branch will have 24 months to carry out any consolidations and/or eliminations passed by Congress.
Item 04:
The GAO will be re-organized to set up the following investigative/review 'Audit-Strike Teams.'
4a. A team to audit government contracts from beginning to end. Specifically looking for the proper "market value" of any good, service or program purchased/awarded.
4aa. Audit the history and record of each purchasing officer and agency/department head, that awards contracts. We need to see who has a record or pattern, of awarding/signing off on contracts and purchases that are above market value.
4b. An 'ISO' level of audit into government employee efficiency. If there are 25 commerce dept. employees doing the work of 17 people, then 8 least productive need to go.
4c. The 5-year team. All government contractors providing the same products, programs or services for over 5 years, will have a full review.
4d. Accounting team. To audit each agency or department's accounting system, and ensure best practices. This would be an 'ISO' style team as well.
Item 05:
When I think about how we need to restructure the federal government.
I think it may be time to remove the Government Accountability Office as the auditing arm for Congress, and make it an independent agency.
This will give their general auditing and accounting work a much higher profile.
I'm willing to bet that most voters have never heard of the GAO, and if they had a higher profile, then Congress may listen too their recommendations more.
Its just one of many ideas I have on how we can structurally improve the federal government.
What are your thoughts on this idea?
Federal government agencies, bureaus, offices, programs that should be eliminated or down-sized. I base these recommendations on enumerated powers of the U.S. Constitution.
Agency 1: U.S. AbilityOne Commission.
Waste and duplicate mission statement of HHS.
Number of employees: 42
Current Budget: $15.4 Million
Agency 2: U.S. Access Board
Waste and duplicate mission statement of HHS.
Number of employees: 30
Current Budget: $9.95 Million
Agency 3: U.S. Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
Waste and duplicate mission statement of the Library of Congress. This can also be handled at the local, county and state level..
Number of employees: 42
Current Budget: $9.49 Million
Agency 4: U.S. Administration for Community Living
Waste and duplicate mission statement of other HHS programs and should be handled at the state, county and local level.
Number of employees: 51
Current Budget: $2.6 Billion
Let's cut this in half.
Agency 5: U.S. Administration for Native Americans
Waste and duplicate mission statement of Bureau of Indian Affairs, programs
Number of employees: N/A
Current Budget: $17.3 Million
Agency 6: U.S. Administrative Conference of the United States
Waste and duplicate mission statement of the GAO.
Number of employees: up to 101 members
Current Budget: $3.52 Million
Agency 7: U.S. African Development Foundation
Waste and duplicate mission statement of the State dept.
Number of employees: 200
Current Budget: $45 Million. The USADF awards $57 Million in grants. I suggest cutting the grant total by 25% and transferring that responsibility to the Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs.
Agency 8: U.S. Agency for Global Media.
Waste and duplicate of the U.S. Government's public affairs offices..
Number of employees: 2000
Current Budget: $950 Million
Agency 9: U.S. Agricultural Marketing Service
Waste and not the responsibility of the U.S. Government.
Number of employees: 4000
Current Budget: $3.69 Billion
Agency 10: U.S. Agricultural Research Service
Waste and not the responsibility of the U.S. Government.
Number of employees: 5000
Current Budget: $1.89 Billion
Agency 11: U.S. National Agricultural Library
Waste and not the responsibility of the U.S. Government. The private sector can support this library directly.
Number of employees: 215
Current Budget: $24.7 Million
Agemcy 12: U.S. Al Hurra TV & Radio
Waste and not the responsibility of the U.S. Government.
Number of employees: 850
Current Budget: $110 Million
Agency 13: U.S. Appalachian Regional Commission
Waste and not the responsibility of the U.S. Government.
Number of employees: 200
Current Budget: $322 Million FY 2023
Agency 14: U.S. Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation
Waste and not the responsibility of the U.S. Government.
Number of employees: N/A
Current Budget: $3 Million estimate
Agency 15: U.S. Bonneville Power Administration
Waste and not the responsibility of the U.S. Government. Sell it to a private sector utility.
Number of employees: 1000
Current Budget: $301 Million
Agency 16: U.S. Botanic Garden
Waste and not the responsibility of the U.S. Government. The private sector can support this, through paid tourism and corporate sponsors.
Number of employees: 65
Current Budget: $15 Million
Agency 17: U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Waste and duplicate mission of the U.S. Dept. of Treasury, FBI and state agencies.
Number of employees: 1591
Current Budget: $596 Million FY 2021
Agency 18: U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security
Waste and duplicate mission of the U.S. Dept. of Treasury and state level agencies.
Number of employees: 587
Current Budget: $223 Million FY 2025
Agency 19: U.S. Bureau of International Labor Affairs
Waste and duplicate mission of the U.S. Dept. of Justice and state level agencies.
Number of employees: 200
Current Budget: $136 Million FY 2024
Agency 20: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Waste and not the responsibility of the U.S. Government
Number of employees: 2500
Current Budget: $673 Million FY 2023
Agency 21: U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Waste and not the responsibility of the U.S. Government
Number of employees: 750 estimate
Current Budget: $242 Million
Agency 22: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
Waste and not the responsibility of the U.S. Government. Sell off to a private utility.
Number of employees: 5425
Current Budget: $1.45 Billion FY 2024
Agency 23: U.S. Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
Waste and duplicate mission of the EPA.
Number of employees: 850
Current Budget: $252 Million FY 2025. Note: This is $82 million more than FY 2024. Why?
Agency 24: Today's candidate is the U.S. Census Bureau
Waste waste waste, and more waste. .
Number of employees: 4285
Current Budget: $1.578 Billion FY 2025.
Okay, let's talk. Under the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. Congress is required to take a count of the total number of people in the United States.
This should be an 18-month process, from beginning to end.
My recommendation:
January 1 of each “0” year, Congress appoints a Census director. The director hires sufficient staff.
April 30 of each “0” year, the Census team mails out to each residential address an envelope with a returnable post-card. The postcard ask ONE question, “How many people reside at this address?”
Postcard must be mailed back by May 30.
June 30 of each “0” year, field staff fans out across the nation, to count every residential address that did not mail the post card.
October 30 of each “0” year, the Census director submits to the U.S. Congress, at total count of the people residing in the United States.
The Census team hangs around for two months, to clean up any areas of the nation and on December 31 of each “0”, the Census director and staff are dismissed.
For 9 years of each decade, there will be no Census budget.
Agency 25: U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Waste and not the responsibility of the U.S. Government.
Number of employees: 5000
Current Budget: $250 Million FY 2024 estimate.
Agency 26: U.S. Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education
Waste and not the responsibility of the U.S. Government.
Number of employees: 100 estimate
Current Budget: $1.4 Billion FY 2024 estimate
Agency 27: U.S. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
Waste and not the responsibility of the U.S. Government.
Number of employees: 800
Current Budget: $1.2 Billion
Agency 28: U.S. Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
Waste and duplicate mission of the FDA, NIH, CDC..
Number of employees: 32
Current Budget: $5 Million estimate
Agency 29: U.S. Center for Parent Information and Resources
Waste and not the responsibility of the U.S. Government.
Number of employees: N/A
Current Budget: N/A
Agency 30: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Waste and duplicate missions of state level agencies..
Number of employees: 11,814- Cut by 25%.
Current Budget: $11.5 Billion- cut by 25%.
Agency 31: U.S. Bureau of Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade
Waste and duplicate mission of the IRS.
Number of employees: 560, cut by 50%. Fold the other 280 in to the IRS.
Current Budget: $150 Million estimate, cut by 50%.
Agency 32: U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Waste and the responsibility of the U.S. Marshals Service
Number of employees: 5281, cut by 50%. Transfer the rest to the U.S. Marshals Service. With 2000 of those being special agents.
Current Budget: $1.952 Billion. Cut by 50%.
Agency 33: U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Number of employees: 6710. Cut by 25%.
Current Budget: $1.516 Trillion- Cut $126 Million, for the 25% reduction in staff.
Agency 34: Today's candidates is the U.S. Chemical Safety Board
Waste and duplicate mission of state level agencies.
Number of employees: 40
Current Budget: $14.4 Million FY 2025
Agency 35: U.S. Chief Acquisition Officers Council
Waste and the responsibility of the OMB, GAO and respective IGs.
Number of employees: 79
Current Budget: $10 Million. Estimate
Agency 36: U.S. Office for Civil Rights Dept. of Education
Waste and Duplicate mission of Civil Rights division of the DOJ.
Number of employees: 560
Current Budget: $162 Million-
Agency 37: U.S. Commission of Fine Arts
Waste and duplicate mission of the Smithsonian Museum, Library of Congress and all the major museums around America..
Number of employees: 12
Current Budget: $3.8 Million
Agency 38: U.S. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
Waste and duplicate mission of the State Dept, Defense Dept., CIA, NSA, ONI, DIA, etc.
Number of employees: 50
Current Budget: $13 Billion FY 2025
Agency 39: U.S. Commodity Futures Trade Commission
Waste and not the responsibility of the U.S. Government.
Number of employees: 721
Current Budget: $399 Million FY 2024
Angency 40: U.S. Defense Acquisition University
Waste and not the responsibility of the U.S. Government to develop professionals to work in the defense acquisition workforce. This is crazy spending of an out of control government department.
Number of employees: 600
Current Budget: $220 Million
Agency 41: U.S. Economic Research Service
Waste and duplicate mission of the BEA.
Number of employees: 310
Current Budget: $100 Million FY 2023
Agency 42: U.S. Economic Development Administration
Waste and Duplicate mission of other government departments and state level agencies. It would be better if the U.S. Government just had a single tax-rate to promote growth.
Number of employees: 395
Current Budget: $4.8 Billion FY 2025
Angency 43: U.S. Energy Information Administration
Waste and not the responsibility of the U.S. Government.
Number of employees: 325
Current Budget: $135 Million FY 2024
Agency 44: U.S. Environmental and Natural Resources division
Waste and there are too many federal laws on the environment. States should handle this.
Number of employees: 600, cut by 50%.
Current Budget: $156 Million FY 2024. Cut by 50%.
Agency 45: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Waste and not the responsibility of the U.S. Government. To that end, cut by 50%.
Number of employees: 18,742, cut by 50%.
Current Budget: $9.55 Billion FY 2022, cut by 50%.
Agency 46: U.S. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Waste and not the responsibility of the U.S. Government. Also this duplicates everything HHS does.
Number of employees: 400
Current Budget: $1.74 Billion
Agency 47: U.S. Export-Import Bank
Waste and not the responsibility of the U.S. Government. Sell off to a private financial institution, like Goldman-Sachs.
Number of employees: 381
Current Budget: $8.8 Million
Agency 48: U.S. Farm Credit Administration
Waste and not the responsibility of the U.S. Government. Transfer their mission statement to state level agencies or private financial institutions.
Number of employees: 300.
Current Budget: $89 Million
Agency 49: Today's candidates is the U.S. Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
Any 'fair housing' disputes should be handled by lower courts or a matter for the State Ags and the Civil Rights division of the DOJ.
Number of employees: 400
Current Budget: $107 Million
Agency 50: U.S. Fannie Mae
Waste and not the responsibility of the U.S. Government. Sell it off to a private financial institution.
Number of employees: 8100
Current Budget: N/A
Agency 51: U.S. Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation
Waste and not the responsibility of the U.S. Government. Sell it off to a private financial institution.
Number of employees: 10
Current Budget: $7.5 Billion
Agency 52: U.S. Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board
Waste and duplicate mission of the GAO, IGs, OMB, Treasury dept.
Number of employees: 13
Current Budget: N/A
Agrnvu 53: U.S. Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology
Waste and we have a GAO.
Number of employees: N/A
Current Budget: $7.1 Billion, FY 2023. There is no direct information on how this breaks down per each statistical agency. Cut by 25%.
Agency 54: U.S. Federal Consulting Group
Waste and this is the responsibility of the executive management in each department and agency.
Number of employees: 8 executive positions, no information on staff.
Current Budget: N/A
Agency 55: U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Waste and not the responsibility of the U.S. Government. Sell it off to the private banking and insurance sectors.
Number of employees: 6096
Current Budget: $2.96 Billion FY 2024
Agency 56: U.S. Federal Financing Bank
Waste and not the responsibility of the U.S. Government. Sell it off to the private banking and insurance sectors.
Number of employees: 27
Current Budget: N/A
Agency 57: U.S. Federal Housing Administration
Waste and not the responsibility of the U.S. Government. Sell it off to the private banking and insurance sectors.
Number of employees: 2470
Current Budget: $150 Million, for salarues and office space, estimate.
Agency 58: U.S. Federal Housing Finance Agency
Thisd is not the responsibility of the U.S. Government, and will be sold off in to the private sector with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae
Number of employees: 730
Current Budget: N/A
Agency 59: U.S. Federal Judicial Center
The DOJ can do their own research. This can become an NPO or NGO, if it is so critical to the survival of America.
Number of employees: 100
Current Budget: $35 Million estimate
Agency 60: U.S. Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer
Then make it an NGO.
Number of employees: 5000
Current Budget: $836 Million FY 2025
Agency 61: U.S. Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
This should be handled by the states, county courts or local government.
Number of employees: 200
Current Budget: N/A
Agency 62: U.S. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
This should be handled by the states, county courts or local government.
Number of employees: 1000
Current Budget: $964 Million
Agency 63: Today's candidates is the U.S. Federal Reserve System
The central bank needs to be replaced with a new precious metal/commodities currency of intrinisic value. Using the institutional infrastructure for the Economic Democracy Act and TradeCoin, as a digital currency element. All this can be done under section 13.2 of the Federal Reserve Act.
Number of employees: 20,813
Current Budget: $6 Billion FY 2024
Agency 64: U.S. Federal Student Aid Information Center
The U.S. Government has the authority to provide student aid, programs as an employer benefit, for U.S. Government employees only. Anything beyond this is the responsibility fo state governments, counties and local government.
Number of employees: 700, cut by 75%
Current Budget: $126 Billion, cut by 95%
Agency 65: U.S. Federal Trade Commission
This is the responsibility of the Dept. of Treasury, in so far as, it regulates commerce among the several states.
Number of employees: 1000
Current Budget: $425 Million FY 2024
Agency 66: U.S. Federal Transit Administration
This is the responsibility of state, county and local governments.
Number of employees: 700
Current Budget: $20.5 Billion FY 2024
Agency 67: U.S. Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology
This is not the responsibility of the U.S. Government.
Number of employees: N/A
Current Budget: N/A
Agency 68: Today's candidate is the U.S. Bureau of the Fiscal Service
The general rule from many years of researchuing the federal government, is that all red-tape can be cut by 25%.
Number of employees: 1969, cut by 25%.
Current Budget: $399 Million, cut by 25%
Agency 69: U.S. National Institute of Food and Agriculture
This can be an HPO or NGO or both. If it is so critical, the private sector can finance the research and award grants.
Number of employees: 315
Current Budget: $1.8 Billion
Agency 70: U.S. Food and Drug Administration
The general rule from many years of researchuing the federal government, is that all red-tape can be cut by 25%.
Number of employees: 18,000, cut by 25%.
Current Budget: $6.5 Billion, cut by 25%
Agencxy 71: U.S. Foreign Agricultural Service
This is not the responsibility of the U.S. Government.
Number of employees: 1100
Current Budget: $2.2 Billion
Agency 72: U.S. Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management
This is not the responsibility of the U.S. Government.
Number of employees: 750
Current Budget: N/A
Agency 73: U.S. Freddie Mac
This is not the responsibility of the U.S. Government. Sell it off to the private banking and mortgage sector.
Number of employees: 7800
Current Budget: N/A
Agency 74: U.S. General Services Administration
The general rule of cutting 25% applies, to all agencies.
Number of employees: 12,000, cut by 25%
Current Budget: $61 Billion, cut employee budget by 25%
Agency 75: U.S. Geological Survey
This is a critical infrastructure agency. Cut by 25%.
Number of employees: 10,000, cut by 25%
Current Budget: $1.8 Billion, cut employees costs by 25%.
Agency 76: U.S. Ginnie Mae
This can be sold off to the private banking and mortgage sector.
Number of employees: 140
Current Budget: N/A
Agency 77: U.S. Agency for Global Media
This is not the responsibility of the U.S. Government.
Number of employees: 500
Current Budget: $950 Million
Agency 78: U.S. Office of Government Ethics
This is the responsibility of each cabinet secretary and their immediate deputy. Also the OMB.
Number of employees: N/A
Current Budget: N/A
Agency 79: U.S. Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation
This is not the responsibility of the U.S. Government. The private academic sector can support this.
Number of employees: 20
Current Budget: N/A
Agency 80: U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration
This is not the responsibility of the U.S. Government.
Number of employees:
Current Budget: $3 Million
Agency 81: U.S. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
This is the responsibility of the State dept, DOD, DNI, DCI, President and National Security Advisor
Number of employees: 25
Current Budget: $3 Million estimate
Agency 82: U.S. Immigrant and Employee Rights Section
This should be handles at the local, county, state and court level.
Number of employees: N/A
Current Budget: N/A
Agency 83: U.S. Indian Arts and Crafts Board
This shpuld be hamdles by local, county and state courts.
Number of employees: N/A
Current Budget: N/A
Agency 84: U.S. Institute of Education Sciences
This can be handled at the local, county and state levels.
Number of employees: 51
Current Budget: $793 Million
Agency 85: U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services
This is not the responsibility of the U.S. Government.
Number of employees: 75
Current Budget: $55 Million
Agency 86: U.S. Inter-American Foundation
The private sector can do this. It is not the responsibility of the U.S. Government.
Number of employees: 75
Current Budget: $52 Million
Agency 87: U.S. Interagency Alternative Dispute Resolution Working Group
This is the responsibility of the cabinet secretary and their immediate deputy.
Number of employees: 15
Current Budget: N/A
Agency 88: U.S. Federal Interagency Committee for the Management of Noxious and Exotic Weeds
This can be handled by good gardening. Come on America. What are we doing, funding this stuff?
Number of employees: N/A
Current Budget: N/A
Agency 89: U.S. Internal Revenue Service
This one is obvious. Simply but eliminating tax loop-holes, we can dismantle half of the IRS. Then we could discuss repealing the 16th Amendment.
Number of employees: 93,654 (2022), cut by 25%.
Current Budget: $12.3 Billion, cut by 25%.
Agency 90: U.S. International Development Finance Corporation.
This needs to be done fully, by the private sector.
Number of employees: 989
Current Budget: $12 Billion
Agency 91: U.S. James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation
This is not the responsibility of the U.S. Government.
Number of employees: 23
Current Budget: $2 Million
Agency 92: U.S. Japan-United States Friendship Commission
This is the responsibility of the State dept. and specifically the Ambassador to Japan.
Number of employees: 23
Current Budget: $2.5 Million
Agency 93: U.S. John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
This can be fully funded and maintained by the private sector.
Number of employees: N/A
Current Budget: N/A
Agency 94: U.S. Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries
This is not the responsibility of the U.S. Government. Make this a private sector institution.
Number of employees: N/A
Current Budget: N/A
Agency 95: U.S. Joint Fire Science Program
This is not the responsibility of the U.S. Government. Local, County and State level agencies can handle this.
Number of employees: N/A
Current Budget: $3 Million
Agency 96: U.S. Office of Justice Programs
This is not the responsibility of the U.S. Government.
Number of employees: 614
Current Budget: $5.7 Billion
Agency 97: U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics
This is not the responsibility of the U.S. Government.
Number of employees: 59
Current Budget: N/A
Agency 98: U.S. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
This is not the responsibility of the U.S. Government.
Number of employees: 10
Current Budget: N/A
Agency 99: U.S. Legal Services Corporation
This is not the responsibility of the U.S. Government. This should be handled at the local, county and state levels.
Number of employees: 1400
Current Budget: $1.57 Billion
Agency 100: U.S. Office of Manufactured Housing Programs.
This is not the responsibility of the U.S. Government.
Number of employees:
Current Budget: $14 Million
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